The Root of the Matter

Rethinking Fatty Acids: Nutrition, Inflammation, and Cellular Health with Professor Brian Peskin

Dr. Rachaele Carver, D.M.D. Board-Certified, Biologic, Naturopathic Dentist Season 2 Episode 20

Get ready to challenge everything you thought you knew about essential fatty acids with insights from Professor Brian Peskin, a noted authority in the field. We promise you'll come away with a fresh perspective on cell membranes, parent essential fatty acids, and the often-misunderstood world of seed oils.

Professor Peskin opens up about his personal journey sparked by his wife's type one diabetes diagnosis, which led him to question conventional dietary wisdom and uncover the vital metabolic pathways that influence our health. His expertise shines as he explores the complex roles of omega-6 fatty acids, inflammation, and how modern dietary misconceptions impact cellular well-being.

Dare to question mainstream medical practices and nutritional paradigms as we dissect the science behind inflammation and disease.

Finally, we shed light on the often murky waters of the supplement industry, exposing the pitfalls of products like krill oil and soy-based foods. With a critical eye on the marine-based oil industry, Professor Peskin urges listeners to seek organic and natural options, challenging the safety of popular supplements like fish oil and their potential impact on cellular oxygenation.

We delve into Otto Warburg's groundbreaking research on cancer and oxygenation, questioning the efficacy of mainstream health products and calling for a return to credible, science-backed information. This episode is a call to action for listeners to rethink their health choices and embrace informed, evidence-based approaches to nutrition.

Find out more information about Professor Peskin 

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Disclaimer: This podcast is for educational purposes only. Information discussed is not intended for diagnosis, curing, or prevention of any disease and is not intended to replace advice given by a licensed healthcare practitioner. Before using any products mentioned or attempting methods discussed, please speak with a licensed healthcare provider. This podcast disclaims responsibility from any possible adverse reactions associated with products or methods discussed. Opinions from guests are their own, and this podcast does not condone or endorse opinions made by guests. We do not provide guarantees about the guests' qualifications or credibility. This podcast and its guests may have direct or indirect financial interests associated with products mentioned.

Speaker 1:

Hello everybody, welcome back to another episode of the Root of your Matter. I am your host, dr Rachel Carver, and today we are privileged to have Professor Brian Peskin on with us. He is the world's leading physiological essential fatty acid expert and he specializes in parent essential fatty acids. So he'll explain to a little bit about what that is, and he's also advanced the discoveries of Otto Warburg to increase cellular oxidation. So I'm excited to dive into that a little bit, because all of you who've been listening know I'm a big fan of ozone and we know how important oxygen is. I think we're going to learn a lot today. We're going to question some things that we thought were true, and that is the point of doing this podcast is just to creating that awareness so that we can live our best lives. So, professor Peskin, why don't you dive in? Tell us your story, how did you become interested in essential fatty acids?

Speaker 2:

I will. And I love the title of your show, the Root of the. That is great. So I love root causes and, of course, root with the tooth root.

Speaker 2:

But personal, like everybody that makes discoveries, my wife became type one diabetic in her 30s, doing everything right and the physician's recommendations made her worse, went out to a big guy named Whitaker. California sends back the blood chemistry after she's there for a week and cost 25 three thousand dollars and she's worse. And it was like. Now I know why they don't give you the results when you're there, because you'd want your money back. And this was the complex carbs are great era. This is going back 20, 25 years. Complex carbs are not great. And when you look at the curves because I'm a scientist the resting blood sugar after eating a complex carb is actually higher than eating a simple carb. The exact opposite of what you want. So, with a personal story, I was lucky.

Speaker 2:

I was exposed to Warburg's work very early on and it was my goodness. Everything is the cell membrane, not the nucleus of the cell. So, like I said, I focus on physiologic EFAs. This is in the cell itself, not the bloodstream. That's where everybody in pharma and everybody looks at the blood. Blood's a transport system. I care what is in the tissue.

Speaker 2:

So my charter is giving physicians and healthcare professionals state-of-the-art science they haven't seen before. And why is that? Because I live in the physiology, molecular biochemistry tax and physicians are typically in the clinical with patients. I don't have patients, I'm a theorist but I have physicians around the world that I work with that utilize my discovery. So I get the feedback and it better be consistent with the science. So I always start with the science, going to the clinical. Everybody else was clinical with no science at all, and what I can tell anybody listening is, if anybody gives you any advice at all, ask one thing what is the metabolic pathway that allows this? And if they can't answer that, my comment is run. So your audience is going to get 25 years of my discoveries framed on their throat in an hour. So it's like trying to take a drink with a fire hose, but you can replay the podcast. People can go to my website to see what other physicians say about me, and my science won't cost you a nickel. You can even download soy fiction and see the kind of science I give. I'm unique that I give the science on every page, with the footnote right there with the quote of what the journal or medical textbook said. And then, of course, because it's technical, I may translate it for simple, understandable terms. But you see what they said, because over the years of my research it was like they're quoting this in their journal article, another journal that never said what they said, and I hate that.

Speaker 2:

Fish oil was a wonderful first cut at EFA Science. But we've advanced the understanding over the past 30 years and I'll clear up the rampant confusion about seed oils on the Internet because it's rampant, it's horrible. So you're all saying seed oils are toxic. Right, you've seen that everywhere. That statement is partially true. Processed, adulterated seed oils are toxic. But, to the contrary, unprocessed, organic seed oils are absolutely essential to great health.

Speaker 2:

And whether you've seen this or not, the reason is we have 100 trillion cells that have a membrane. It's called the bilipid membrane. You look in the textbook on medical physiology, molecular biology of the cell. Everything it's the bilipid membrane. What you need to know is a quarter to a third of the oil section. It's half lipid, which is oils. It's half protein. There's no carbs in the cell membrane. So anybody that thinks you need carbs wrong. 100 trillion cells, third to a quarter. 25% to 33% are parent EFAs, which means LA, that's the toxic seed oil that everybody is longly saying, and the omega-3. So it's LA and ALA.

Speaker 2:

Technical terms I don't care. I'm an engineer by training, so I am very practical. I joke with docs all the time saying I don't have the memory you guys do, but I understand a hundred times what you do when I open my mouth. I don't want corny technical terms. It's what's the glucose level in the bloodstream as five millimoles per deciliter? Great, what's that mean? So it took 10 minutes. It's a teaspoon. I only have a teaspoon of carbohydrate in five quarts of blood. Yes, what happened? Again? My wife's type one diabetic. What happens when I have more than the one teaspoon? It goes right to body fat instantly. Why? The insulin response? Fat or protein doesn't have that. So anybody telling you fats and proteins can make you fat. Wrong, impossible. You have to have an enzyme called glycerol 3-phosphate and it's only in carbs. So we have 100 trillion cells and these are the brick and mortar of the cell. Brick and mortar. So organic means two things you don't have the pesticides and the seeds when they're growing. You don't have the chemicals and then the oil extraction is done with no chemicals or processing, so seed oils uniquely have the potential to be either toxic or essential.

Speaker 2:

And my favorite quote is we're suffering from a wealth of information but a poverty of understanding what that information means. So, for example, inflammation is all over the news today. Everybody reads inflammation. They can't tell you how to fix it. But all the inflammatory diseases cardiovascular disease, type 1, type 2 diabetes, cancer, copd, even Alzheimer's are now known as inflammatory-based diseases, and this is precisely why people in their 20s are now getting heart attacks, 30s cancer it's rampant. And all of these diseases have impairment of a pathway, and this is where our group specializes the only ones in the world. It's called the Delta-6 to saturate V16 metabolic pathway and there's nine diseases in the medical journals, including the five I already mentioned that have impairment. The problem is, once this pathway is impaired, you can't fix it. You go what's there to talk about? Then I can compensate for it. You go what's there to talk about, then I can compensate for it.

Speaker 2:

I developed the most powerful anti-inflammatory over the past decade of intense research. It's called EasyTrack. It's a medical food, which means you have to be under physician care. You don't need a prescription, but it's above a nutritional supplement. A medical food is in between. A supplement and a drug Doesn't require FDA approval and trials, but it has to be a food. It has to help compensate for an impaired pathway. I can't just give you 100 times of magnesium, for example, and go oh, it's a medical food. No, that disqualifies and you have to have immense science.

Speaker 2:

So the problem is the D6C pathway is the immediate precursor to prostaglandin series one, the most powerful anti-inflammatory there is, and because it's above arachidonic acid in the prostaglandin chain, nobody looks at it. It's like it doesn't exist. And prostaglandins start with arachidonic acid. And everywhere on the internet how bad arachidonic acid is. Free arachidonic acid is a problem, but what they don't tell you is the more parent omega-6 you have that's organic the less arachidonic acid comes out. So here's an amazing one. And I'm reading. That's why I have the glasses on, because I give quotes, so I don't want to make a mistake.

Speaker 2:

The American Heart Association said in 2009, quote 2009, 15 years ago, unprocessed omega-6 has powerful anti-inflammatory properties that counteract any pro-inflammatory properties. That's the first one. And then somebody must have seen my work, because it's pretty derogatory and I can be only because I have to be. I can't let the medical profession continue to parrot wrong information because they're harming people. It's not their fault. They're just listening to wrong people. Anybody calling omega-6 pro-inflammatory reflects a rather naive understanding of the biochemistry. This is their words, words that come from HeartWire 2009 Medscape Journal of the American Heart Association. Omega-6 fatty acids and risk for cardiovascular disease. Medical Journal of Circulation, one of the top heart disease medical journals in America. So every physician should have seen 15 years ago omega-6 is not pro-inflammatory. And if you say it, you don't know biochemistry and you get your tail back at medical school and learn something.

Speaker 2:

They have no memory. See the engineers and I am one from MIT, so I have a very good systems analysis but you watch Discovery or something, and it's always the brilliant engineer from 30 years ago discovered this and he stood on the shoulders of the brilliant engineer from 60 years ago that discovered this. You look in the medical profession and it's all starting with me. There is no history and this is why all they do is go in a circle. What do I eat? You hear the keto diet, carnivore diet, low-carb diet. This was all 50 years ago, 1950. Calories don't count. Martinis and whipped cream, protein power with eeds a little later one. All they do is go in a circle and it's the same jackass telling you to do something now that told you then wait a minute. You're listening to a nutritionist today that had the exact wrong stuff 30 years ago. They're parroting.

Speaker 2:

I walked out in the nutrition department at Texas Southern University and went to the president and said these guys don't know what they're talking about is political nutrition. I need to be in a hardcore quantitative science like pharmacy, but I'm not a pharmacist. They'll hate me. I gave them some of the papers. The department chairs, which co-chair at the time they read it, called me back after a month. Your material is right on the money. We want you over here. I was shocked because typically you're not in the Department of Pharmacy if you're not a pharmacist. But let me give you three things that people are going to flip. And here's the first one.

Speaker 2:

If you're eating processed oils just 1% processed oil in a teaspoon Everybody's getting a teaspoon. Whether you bake, fry, I don't care, you're getting a teaspoon of oil. It's in all the foods, overpowering each of those 100 trillion cells by 30,000. So I do martial arts, for example. You got me against 30,000 people that know nothing, I'm dead. They'll just overpower me. Now, thank goodness those 30,000 molecules don't go into the cell because the brilliant analytic chemist Lams in 1990 had the oils go into the cell as a proportion of good to bad. So if I'm eating 80% good oils and 20% bad ones, my cell structure will be 80% good. I can live with that.

Speaker 2:

But with autoerobburst work, 35% decrease in cellular oxygenation. Cancer is spontaneously introduced 35% Cellular, not bloodstream. Forget your pulse oximeter, that's worthless. You have to do a biopsy in the seat. That's not going to happen. But if you get cancer it takes years to develop and can be intermittent. It can be in any cell in the body. There's one type of cancer lack of cellular oxygenation. It was proven in 53 and 55 in America where they gave heart cells deprived of oxygen. Everyone became cancerous. So it's very hard.

Speaker 2:

Everybody's using processed oils. I don't care if you're in a cheap fast food restaurant or in the highest quality fine food restaurant. They don't know. They used to use saturated fats which are great, like coconut oil for frying. Make sure it's organic. You want a monounsaturated fat. Avocado oil is superb for frying. Has a 440 degrees Fahrenheit smoke point, so it's never going to go bad. He's also the saturated fat's going to clog my artery. Wrong. 85% of a clogged artery is adulterated, processed omega-6. And this is known. I'll give you the reference in a little bit. This was from Dr Speyteller, the top German biochemist at the time, and I talked with him and it was Brian. It's not going bad in the body.

Speaker 2:

Parent omega-6 does not go bad in the body. It's already bad from eating it. It's called exogenous and that's the oxidized cholesterol. So it's in the processed food. And some insight and I'm big on insight and connecting the dots cholesterol. It's called a cholesterol molecule. It's magnetized to the parent omega-6 and parent omega-3. And the term I came up with is parent essential oils. Parent essential fatty acids is the technical term that's in the medical journals. But parent essential oils get transported in the bloodstream. So if I lower LDL cholesterol, I lower the bad ones but at the same time I'm inadvertently lowering the good ones. That's why statins don't work and they don't.

Speaker 2:

The NNT, which is number needed to treat by the pharmaceutical industry with a statin, is 98, meaning for every 100 patients I give a statin to two successes, 98 failures. I'm an engineer, I design iPhones. I give you 100 of them. 98 blow up in your face. That's not real good. 2% success rate, 13 billion a year and you're a genius. Something's wrong with the medical profession real bad.

Speaker 2:

Here's three big things. Oh, the overall percentage, because we're also told this. We're all overdosed with omega-6, right, it's 12 to 1. In the body, the average organ is 4 to 1, parent omega-6 to parent omega-3. Muscles 6.5 to 1. Fat stores 20 to 1. When you do a little algebra, which I guess these experts can't do, it comes out 12 to 1. So your body is designed to have 12 to 1, even mother's mouth's at least 10 to 1 with the omega-6 series. Even a cow, a grass-fed cow eating grass, which is mainly omega-3. Very few foods have a lot of omega-3 because the body doesn't want it nor need it. Foods have a lot of omega-3 because the body doesn't want it nor need it. It gets two to one, parent omega-6 to parent omega-3. Even in the lowly cow, all the omega-3 is burned up.

Speaker 2:

Where does this come from? Molecular biology of the cell. Harper's illustrated biochemistry, textbook of medical physiology these are the textbooks you probably saw in medical school during your dental training. Textbook of Medical Physiology has been through 19 editions in North America. Top book Next thing I'm an engineer, so I'm a systems guy.

Speaker 2:

Input is the food, you're the system. The output is your state of health. Are you a 300 pounder? How big are you? How much fat do you have? How much DHA? Because we're all told DHA, dha, dha, even though all the studies today are showing absolute failure. And I'll tell you why Does the brain use per day?

Speaker 2:

I'll give it to you because the National Institutes of Health and the US Department of Agriculture did radio-ocytope testing two to six milligrams. Let me repeat that two to six milligrams a day. How much are the healthcare professionals recommending people eat? 1,000 milligram capsule is 60% DHA, epa, which means 600 milligrams. That means we're only using two to six, 100 to 300 times super pharmacologic overdose, overdose per day with one capsule. Healthcare professionals are routinely saying oh, you haven't had enough. That's why the study failed. They're telling you to take 4,000 milligrams. You can be getting a thousand-fold overdose per day.

Speaker 2:

Where is this from? Imaging incorporation of circulating DHA into the human brain using PET tomography. Journal of Lipid Research. That's the first one we naturally need, next to none. Number two can we make DHA? They looked at vegetarians eating no fish, no DHA containing anything. 90% could make all the DHA they need.

Speaker 2:

So the average person has no issue whatsoever making DHA, as long as they get the parent. And this is why if they're not getting the parents and not a lot of food has it, lettuce has a lot of it, grass has it, which nobody's eating, and walnuts have it and you always hear oh, the seven-day average is so healthy. There's a lot of omega-3 they're getting. Take a look and see the composition of a walnut. There's five times more omega-6 in it than omega-3. So we keep getting misled without the truth. There's 2,600 times more parent omega-3 in your body than DHA 2,600 times. Nobody's ever reporting that either in the medical journals.

Speaker 2:

The problem was 30 years ago. They thought all the parents got converted to derivatives. Derivatives are from the parent omega-6 to GLA people have heard about to DHA on the omega-3 side, dpa on the omega-3 side, arachidonic acid on the omega-6 side 99.9% state parents. The amount that goes to derivatives are one part in a thousand of the parent omega-6, and PGE1 is the biggest depository that everybody misses. Pge2, pge3 are very low powered on the omega-6 side. The omega-3 side is worthless. Why is the omega-6 so important? For example, your skin, 100% parent omega-6.

Speaker 2:

What happens when I eat all this fish oil? It gets shoved into the skin. Do we have an epidemic of skin cancer? Yes, the dermatologist don't have a clue. It has nothing to do with the sunscreen and I'll tell you why in a minute. I'll tell you why. Now Fish oil spontaneously oxidizes at room temp. This is why you walk by the fish section of the supermarket and it's rancid. And then, dr Rowan, who was my co-author, rothschild's Vagin Never been a book before between a carnivore and a Rothschild's Vagin. Simply they ate each other goes. Brian, you're gonna flip when you see this.

Speaker 2:

Why do I say it's antifreeze? Cold water fish, 30 degrees. It's antifreeze for a fish. Why? Because if I threw you in the water you'd freeze. We're mainly water. Water freezes at 32 degrees fahrenheit, zero centigrade. So nature has two choices. Alcohol I throw vodka in the freezer doesn't turn into an ice cube. Doesn't like water. Long chain fatty acids don't either. So nature has two ways to go. Alcohol I'd have. A drunk. Fish can't use alcohol. Long chain fatty acids what if I look at a warm water fish living at 70 degrees, because there's a lot of them. Water fish living at 70 degrees because there's a lot of them. Lakes, for example, 14 times less DHA than the cold water fish. What are we doing? I just gave you the numbers. Overdosing it, we're at 98.6.

Speaker 2:

So the poor person listening to these people that don't know what they're talking about, misleading them, taking all this fish oil oil. As long as it's marine oil, it's the wrong stuff. It has nothing to do with the purity, nothing to do how it's processed. It is physiologically wrong. We're not living in 30 degree water. We're not a fish. Maybe you think you are. Look in the mirror. If you can't tell you're not one, I can't help you and I'm not here to help them. You got to have a semblance of a braid or my material is crawling on deaf ears. Pearls before swine. I can't do anything about that. That is key and if you're not given those facts, you wouldn't know.

Speaker 2:

So you eat all this marine oil. The antioxidants come flooding in. Where do they come from? The brain? Do we have an epidemic of dementia, alzheimer's? You see our president. Where he is, all the antioxidants come running out into the bloodstream, going. What did this person do? Now you're deficient in the brain, big problem.

Speaker 2:

And nobody cooks with omega-3 cooking oils. You don't fry in flax, for example. You don't bake with flax. So the medical community does know that it's way too reactive. And where does this come from? Journal of Integrative Medicine, journal of Lipid Research and again Dr Spyteller talking about the cholesterol that's already bad when you eat it. Free radical biological medicine. Nobody is reading these kind of journal articles.

Speaker 2:

With the hard science. That's a clinician. They read Journal of the American Medical Association, lancet, new England Journal of Medicine, and unfortunately it never translates from the hard science where I live into the clinical. And if you don't get this information from me, I don't know where you're going to get it from. I'm going to give for all the diabetic patients there. They're going to be shocked with this.

Speaker 2:

But happy to answer a few questions, I just wanted to give some background information so we can have an intelligent conversation instead of just opinions. Have an intelligent conversation instead of just opinions. The opinions are great for politics, art, but this is your life, people. If you don't get science with references run, that's what I tell everybody. But, brian, it's so much work I don't know what the truth is. You listen to the wrong person on the internet, you're going to have a problem and everybody should be phenomenally good. They don't have any energy anymore. That's the number one complaint of Americans. These are cellular oxidators. I'll talk about Warburg's work if we have time, but happy to answer a few questions. I'm sure you got some.

Speaker 1:

Sure the dentist, and as a biologic dentist who is really interested in root culture, which I love, no fluoride, no mercury.

Speaker 2:

I am so on board with you. Here's how stupid the medical community is. Fluoride, which is a toxic gas, needs to be in the water. Needs to be in toothpaste. Are you out of your minds? And the answer is yes. I taught the doctors to go, brian, in a sane world we'd have this. We're in an insane world today, unfortunately, but I love what you do. Keep going.

Speaker 1:

Before and I also have a health coach who does a very interested in nutrition. So I did that. And one of the things even in the Weston Price, that whole thing they talked about a lot of fish oil, but when you go and look I'm like he never actually talked about fish oil and they even talk about fermented. But yeah, I was recommending them, like, okay, there, we need to get our good fats. And then I started to learn and research more and think, ooh, maybe this is not a good idea.

Speaker 1:

So let now and it makes what you're saying right so many of these companies claim, yes, but we're purified and we're a third party. But, as you just said, the biggest thing I actually had this up on my screen that at room temperature, no matter how pure that oil is, when it's extracted and bottled at room temperature, it's going to become rancid and be. And, like you said, this is why the salmon, right, have more of the omega-3, because they're in the cold waters, right. So now my question is so would it be better? So, even if we eat salmon, same problem, or is that okay?

Speaker 2:

It's okay because unless you're doing sushi and even if you are doing sushi, you're not eating a lot of it. But if you cook any of the fish, the oil is either baked or fried, so it's going away. You're not getting it and you can have some of it, it's no problem. But what people need to understand is fish oil capsules or fish oil liquid is highly processed so they're concentrating what you would get from eating a hundred fish into a capsule. That's what they're not telling you. And fish itself will have the parents in the fish, but it's not in the oil. In any, any fish oil. There's no LA or ALA, the two parents. And, by the way I didn't say this, your body can't make either of them. That's why they're called an essential fatty acid E for essential. Your body can't make it and they're not interconvertible. They are in a cow. Cow can take three and shove it in six. We can't. So if you overdose on DHA, it's getting pushed, doesn't get burned up into the skin.

Speaker 2:

Skin cancer, all the skin is supposed to have no fish oil in it, no marine oil. The inner lining of the artery called the intima, all parent omega-6. There's supposed to be no fish oil in there you start forcing it in there it oxidizes. That's your oxidized cholesterol. And that's what the problem is with cholesterol. The medical community knows that, but the average person has no clue what it means or where the hell is it coming from? And it's coming from your food. It's not going bad in the body. The reason it doesn't go bad in the body you need something called bis-allylic bonds. That's a double bond to a single bond. And unless there's at least three which is the omega-3 side, because omega-6 only has two it doesn't go bad. The normal antioxidants you have take care of any issue whatsoever. They mislead you into thinking oh, the omega-6 is going bad. What do you think your omega-3 is doing with dha? It has six double bonds. It's seven times more reactive than the omega-6. It's not linear. It's seven times worse. So you're getting rampant oxidation everywhere. I'm amazed as an engineer. We can even live.

Speaker 2:

But look at all the diseases, since the big fish oil thing from 20 years ago and sicker now. That's called an association, a correlation. But with the science I have, that precisely is one reason why everybody's so sick. The other reason is nobody's getting organic oils. So another tip anybody going to the grocery store.

Speaker 2:

Anything with fat, composition, composition, the oils, organic bacon, butter, eggs, cheese cream. Spend the money on organic. It's not bad, it won't kill you, it won't give you cancer, it won't give you heart disease. That's where you spend the money. If you have more money left over because it's so bad. Today you go to a grocery store. Then you can go to organic fruits and vegetables. But anything with fat, and the more you cook it, the more it denatures the bad oils. I sent off to the lab to see how much oxidation of these oils 20 years ago because I like steaks well done, and the more well done you make it, the less of the bad toxic oils are in there. They get called denaturing and it means it's just not harmful anymore. So there's just a few tips you need to know to be healthy as heck. But excellent question. Biggest bang for the buck Anything with naturally occurring fat. Get organic or at least unprocessed.

Speaker 1:

They talk, a lot of pediatricians who recommend that DHA. I remember reading recently I can't remember now the exact study if it was in rats or mice, but showing that the offspring that they were fed that actually had more cognitive and health issues.

Speaker 2:

All the fish oil studies, krill oil everything fails. I take more DHA doesn't help my mental acuity, it doesn't stop Alzheimer's or dementia. It doesn't make my eyesight better. It does nothing that it's supposed to make better and it fails and fails. The problem in the medical profession is, once they have a recommendation, it's very difficult to overturn it.

Speaker 2:

People go Brian, you're so controversial. I said I'm the least controversial guy you'll ever see. I'm a hardcore physiologist. Theoretical physiology is what I do and it's all science. I'm opposite to everybody because they're all parodying, which means you see this here saying DHA is great and omega-6 is toxic, and you start saying it based on nothing except this jackass you took it from was wrong. And then 10 other people quote the same wrong thing and all of a sudden everybody's wrong. Can everybody be wrong? Sure, they thought the earth was flat for 300 years. They were wrong. So it happens all the time in science. But I'm not controversial at all. Anybody that's controversial. Take a look and see what 35 physicians say on my website at the bottom. Take a look and see what 100 patients say at the bottom. I got their quotes there and nobody's paying a nickel.

Speaker 1:

I think there was a study done years ago, right. It said it takes the average 17 years to get from scientific publication to standard of care and by that time, after 17 years, it's not even relevant anymore. We're always learning more. So tell me you started to talk about I'm curious about the skin and the omega-6 and skin cancer. Can you elaborate on that a little bit?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, there's no DHA in the skin. And this is Otto Warburg, who was MD, phd, greatest physiologist of the 20th century. Everybody says he won a Nobel Prize for discovering oxygen in cancer. That wasn't what he did. He looked at what some minerals did for the cell membrane. So even with the guy that won the Nobel Prize, they're inaccurate on 41 at four, which is appalling to me. But this is how sloppy they are.

Speaker 2:

Lack of cellular oxygen caused by processed omega-6 is the prime cause of cancer. The mitochondria is what does the cellular oxygenation? Mitochondria, the powerhouse is the energy of the cell. And what people aren't told is there's hundreds to thousands of mitochondria in every cell. Just look at molecular biology of the cell. It's all in there. Textbook of medical physiology.

Speaker 2:

I'm not making this up, I don't make anything up. I don't need you. I'm a scientist. I'm not making this up. I don't make anything up. I don't need you. I'm a scientist. I actually follow the science because, again, I'm an engineer. I design a building and it falls down. I'm sued and I've killed thousands of people. That can't happen and it doesn't happen. But in the medical field, hey, as long as my treatment doesn't kill somebody within you know, two months of taking it. You can't pin it on me, it's something else, it's your genetics, it's this and that. No, I'm accountable but on a Warburg and I did a whole book called the hidden story of cancer. So if people want to see brianpeskincom for my work, go to the bottom. It's all there and MD Anderson actually had it in their library and physicians at MD Anderson read it, but they don't talk about it.

Speaker 2:

Cod liver oil. You mentioned fermented cod oil. Kayla did a great book on how bad fermented oil was. This is what they haven't told you. They gave women in Norway cod liver oil. Today Norway is surrounded by water, so fishing. Three times more melanoma, very aggressive form of skin cancer, than people not taking it. Now you start talking threefold more. That gets my attention. 20%, I don't care. 30% eh, it's in the noise 300%. Are you out of your mind?

Speaker 2:

This was in Diet and Risk of Cutaneous Malignant Melanoma Perspective study 50,000 Norwegian men and women International Journal of Cancer 1997. And the study was meticulous. They have a registry Everybody with cancer. They didn't have it when they started this and they looked at what they were doing. Everyone had cancer verified by pathology, meaning it was looked at in a lab not just made up and it was followed for 20 years. This study was completely buried. I've seen no one reference it and here's why Major this is a quote.

Speaker 2:

Abnormalities in cardiolipin content or composition were found in all cancer tumors. Every cancer tumor had screwed up mitochondria again auto Warburg, prime cause of cancer, causing irreversible respiratory injury. Meaning if it gets to a certain stage with cancer it's fully cancerous. It goes from benign as a whole spectrum to be half cancerous. It's a ratio of oxidative fosforylation to aerobic glycolysis. It's technical. The average person isn't going to get there. This is all I do. This is all I live for seven days a week. I live for seven days a week, every damn day for 25 years and we live this. So it's all science. It's irreversible. Warburg proved this.

Speaker 2:

Journal of Lipids Research Again a journal nobody is going to see 2008. Cardiolipins comprised of 20% lipid. There is no omega-3 in it. Scottish Crop Research Institute, lipid Analysis Unit, scotland and the Lipid Library in England. It is there, it's known, nobody sees it and you have people on the internet going oh, cardiolipins in the early layer of the mitochondria is all omega-3.

Speaker 2:

That is an outright lie and I don't even care if they didn't do it on purpose. If they're putting stuff out there and it's wrong, it makes no difference to me. You are harming people's health and misleading them and that's why I get so passionate. It's like me, against everybody. I'm the most hated guy in the world with marine oils. I've had papers retracted, not on the science, just because they hate me, personal attacks because I'm taking so much money out of their pocketbook.

Speaker 2:

Hey doc, we got this guy, peskin, saying you're 100% wrong. I gave a huge lecture at the A4M, biggest medical health organization in the world, vegas. I ended it with, before my lecture you weren't responsible. After hearing this, you now are responsible. And if you continue to recommend fish oil, you're guilty of nothing less than medical malpractice. Thank you. And they said you're never lecturing again. And then there were people going to the heads of the group. Everything we do is tied to fish oil. If Peskin's right, everything you're telling us to do is wrong. And of course I'm right, right and it's now known I'm right. So people are really embarrassed and all they can do is lie. And if you keep lying and not telling the truth and people don't do their own research like I do, you're going to get keep lied to and misled and you will hurt yourself.

Speaker 2:

Cellular oxygen deficiency can cause anywhere. The quote from Warburg restoration of normal fatty acid composition enhances the supply of oxygen to the tissues. Interference with the movement of oxygen can occur at any cell membrane. So one cause of cancer, not 200 causes. There are secondary causes and it's all tied to lack of cellular oxygenation, if I have as best as poisoning inflammation. Inflammation sucks oxygen. So if the oxygen is used here it's not available here, it's forced somewhere else else. Now I have an efficiency over here and it can happen. Just depends where the cell is. One prime cause, hundreds of secondary causes. It's not genetic.

Speaker 2:

Weinberg, the originator of the term oncogene, another MIT guy, reversed it. Nobody saw it. His textbook, one renegade cell said there are not enough mutations in a cancerous tumor to cause cancer. You need at least six to seven. There's no more than three or four. His quote was inflammation now takes center stage. You think they know that over at MD Anderson Nope, biggest cancer center in the world. Some do, the ones I've talked to, but the average one. They don't know the name Warburg. They don't know anything about the oxygen and you do ozone, which Dr Rowan is a master ozonist. He teaches around the world physicians to use ozone. Easytrack and the EFA oils are the ideal cellular oxygenator. Even the analogy is you're like in a hyperbaric chamber 24 hours a day without having to do it. So we are the perfect adjuvant to anybody treating with ozone, which works superbly, or hyperbaric, and that's you.

Speaker 2:

The other thing I wanted to tell people was diabetes is the number one health problem in America today. It is epidemic. And 1986, fish oil makes heart disease worse. Quote patients with atherosclerosis, meaning heart disease. Prostasycin, natural blood thinner, fell by 42%. Natural blood thinner means the platelets don't stick together. It's like you have a plus on a magnet and another plus. They push apart. If they're screwed up with the charges, you have a plus and a minus and it sticks together. That's what you don't want. That's process insulin. The next thing people know is diabetics had 42 the same number less PGE1 binding with the red blood cells. So if you're diabetic, you are so deficient in this and you can't bring it back, but you can help compensate.

Speaker 2:

Remember my wife's type one? I remember 20 years ago she called me up. I was just at the ophthalmologist, the eye surgeon, eye physician. He said my eyes are too good. I can't be diabetic. Do you know this guy and why is he lying to me? I started laughing. I said, number one, I don't know the guy. Number two they don't lie. They tell you if your eye's got a problem. He never saw a patient who was taking the oils. He never saw a patient that didn't have retinopathy, which all diabetics get over time, or neuropathy, and diabetic neuropathy anybody listening that has it, god forbid. It's like pinpricks are going, a thousand pins are going into your feet utter agony, or your foot's dead. You feel nothing. You feel nothing because it's a later stage thing where the nerve is just completely gone. And if it's not to that stage, you can bring all of this back. So there is hope. We have incredible results with decreasing neuropathy and PGI2, it's a prostaglandin and that makes the blood platelets can't stick together and they can't stick to the arterial wall. If that can't happen, how would you get a heart attack? I don't know how I've taken away the causes, so the answer is right in front of us if anybody would look at the science and unfortunately most people aren't Fish oil has none of these properties Krill, mollusk squid.

Speaker 2:

They keep on going to another marine-based oil to differentiate themselves and try and sell supplements. None of it works. People said oh Brian, can you get on board with krill oil? And I said I can tell you this because I looked up the analysis. How much DHA? I said there's a lot less of the DHA EPA in krill oil than there is in the regular fish oil, so it's less of a poison. Is that okay? And if you think about, most people don't even know what krill is. Krill is this virtually microscopic shrimp that's a tenth of a millimeter that whales eat a hundred million of at a clip. That's not even food for a human being. Are you out of your mind? So all the marine oil stuff?

Speaker 2:

I was around when this started. I would go to health conferences. It's a waste product. It's how it started. What do we do with the spoiled fish? Sell it to the desperate people that are pulling at straws looking for anything. That's how the whole industry started and it took 10 years to get any correction at all. People wouldn't touch the garbage. I saw Tria Life. They were at the time the biggest wholesaler of fish oil in America. They couldn't sell it, but with $10 million in advertising and year after year of just saying how great this garbage is, and then paying for studies.

Speaker 2:

And people need to know studies are not science. They're always open to misinterpretation and the study should correlate with the science. It should confirm the science, not the opposite to it. And it's just horrible. Everybody today just cares money. They don't care if they hurt you. They don't care if they help you. You do because you're special. That's why I love functional, holistic, holistic, biologic. But your average medical professional is at the stage where, quite honestly, they don't have your best interests at heart and people don't want to hear that.

Speaker 2:

I got to go to a doctor, I got to trust them. No, you don't. They're great surgeons, don't get me wrong, but that's not medicine, that's a technical art. So I have colleagues that are phenomenal surgeons, like Dr Rob, the former chair of MD Anderson, and to expedite surgical healing because he does breast surgery in 100 patients over four years. The results were phenomenal, with accelerated healing after the radiation would destroy the skin so it couldn't heal. And then the additional health results were unbelievable the stuff he would tell me the patient. I wanted him to heal better and then this went away and then that went away and then their cholesterol went down and, by the way, everybody taking my oils, the LDL-C goes down. Why? Because I don't need as much being transferred, because I have no bad oils. The bad oils are way down, so what's getting transferred is all good oils. I can knock my old ELC down by a third because instead of transporting a third bad oils, now it has the good oils. I need less of it.

Speaker 2:

It's all consistent, it's all simple. It all makes sense. There's no inconsistencies. Yeah, it works here and here, but it hurts you over here. That doesn't happen. We're much more alike than we're different. We're all different. Are you out of your mind? What are you? A termite that can live underground? No, you're not. We have the same physiology. There's different medical textbooks, but it's all the same. Material Science is science. You don't have a book on theoretical thermodynamics that's opposite from the other book on theoretical thermodynamics. It's the same stuff in a different format, but the equations are all the same and how you figure it out is all the same. But again, if you're not getting medical textbooks, run I keep saying that run.

Speaker 1:

So the bottom line would be okay if we know that less oxygen in the cells is what can lead to cancer. So how do we ensure that we're getting that proper?

Speaker 2:

oxygenation With a supplement, because you can't trust any restaurant or any supermarket to use the organic oils unless it says organic, even if they are organic Canola oil. You don't want to touch Rape seed, which was mustard gas is where that is and it stands for Canada oil. It's not a species. And you don't want to touch soy because it's a complete endocrine disruptor. Anybody listening? And they con women into getting this garbage. It is food for a pig. Why do I say that? Because I lecture extensively in Iowa, the biggest soy producer in America, and if you've ever smelled ground up soy, you would get sick to your stomach. I smelled it. They got to process the hell out of it. It is food for a pig. What'd they do? It's the miraculous food for women Infant soy formula. You've heard the term soy boy. It's turning them into women. Women are overdosed on estrogen. Where the hell do you think that's coming from? Because they're eating so much soy. Right over in the Orient they're living on soy.

Speaker 2:

I was in Thailand, I was in China. Were you? No, guess what? You're not living on it. It's a small condiment. It's like you have people saying oh, you want to eat the husk of the flaxseed. Eat the husk. Are you out of your mind? We have something called taste. You would never eat a husk. It's highly estrogenic. So with the flax oil you don't want, it's called high lignin flax oil. Run like hell if you ever see that term. You don't want it. It is not made to be in there and it's not food for a human being. We keep getting misled by people that want to make money off of you and they don't care.

Speaker 1:

And supplements, but are there other foods?

Speaker 2:

It's nearly impossible to get the oils today, given what we're up against. I tell people take a supplement. We have two forms. I consult with a lot of companies around the world so we have one. I don't get to do products. People pay me to give them the science, but I think you've got a couple companies that you could put them on your website later. So there's one that's a nutritional supplement where you just want to keep the EFA balance and it's very reasonably priced. And there's the other one, easytrack, the medical food.

Speaker 2:

If you're under physician care and you have a disease cancer, heart disease, diabetes, copd, alzheimer's, any inflammatory-based disease it's made for that. It's turbocharged and you can't take more of the supplement and get what EZ-TREK does. We tried that. It looks pretty close. It's not even in the same league. Ez-trek is an EFA formulation on steroids meant for people that have a Delta-6 desaturation impairment. But again, I have a diabetic type 1 wife at home and shooting insulin doesn't repair the pathway Shockingly. But the medical journals talked about this. So if you're type 1 or type 2, you're not fixing that pathway. If you don't compensate for it, you will have a problem and over time every type 2 will become type one.

Speaker 2:

You don't believe me? Ask an endocrinologist. They will all tell you that and I speak with them. That's the world I live in. I typically only consult with physicians. Having a general audience podcast like this is a rarity. I've just started doing some to counteract all the rampant information on the internet and, thank goodness, people like yourself that are more integrative, holistic and biologic and functional want the truth. So they're out there that want the truth, but there's not enough of you. It's a very tragic state of affairs and the average person doesn't have a chance at all. Because, again, this is all I do. I'm not an amateur, it's not a hobby. All I do is read journal articles. I'm reading another one. A colleague of mine just sent me one 2022 just came out on how great the oils are to minimize the radiation-induced damage, because, again, I'm by MD Anderson.

Speaker 2:

So radiation will work to kill a cancer cell. You have to do that. You have to kill it once it's fully cancerous. You can't return it. Remember Warburg said irrevocable, irreversible to make it functional again. So that's, either kill it with radiation or a chemical or cut it out of you. That's all you can do. But while you're doing that, if you're doing radiation you damage everything, so this mitigates the damage. So anybody getting radiation or chemo treatment needs to look at my website and see this for Hidden Story of Cancer, because the literature talks about it but they don't do anything. It's not implemented with anybody doing the radiation. They don't say, hey, patient, you need to take these oils for two weeks before we give you the treatment and you won't get, excuse me, the side effects. It's tragic, it's absolutely tragic.

Speaker 1:

So, when we're thinking about saturated fat versus these polyunsaturated fat, okay, I want to cook something. Should I be using butter and beef, tallow or avocado?

Speaker 2:

oil. First thing everybody needs to know saturated fat is not reactive to anything. So it never caused heart disease to begin with. You may take it to the clogged artery thing. So it never caused heart disease to begin with. You may think it's in a clogged artery zero. So a saturated fat is my number one.

Speaker 2:

Frying is cooking oil. For frying coconut oil is best. The next one, the modern one, saturated like avocado oil, very hard to make it bad. They have 400 degrees smoke point is coconut oil. Sauteing olive oil is good for. It's not the best for high temperature fry it has a lower smoke point.

Speaker 2:

So there's a multiplicity of chemical facts you need to know and you wouldn't know this unless you saw analyses. But here's another big one Parent Omega-6 rescues and this is their word. Quote the major remodeling and the cardiolipin induced by long-term intake of DHA. So they're saying it screws up the mitochondria. It's not the loss of the omega-6 that drives this impairment. It was the replacement, the displacement of the omega-6 by the DHA from the overdose that promoted the reduction in activities.

Speaker 2:

Frontiers of Cardiovascular Medicine Frontier's a cardiovascular medicine journal of biological chemistry 2018. No physician I've ever talked to saw that journal article. So they're not seeing this and it's not their fault. They're giving you the wrong information. They don't know it, but I have to hold them accountable. I don't talk unless I know what I'm talking about. 10 different ways. I will publish nothing until after three months of analyzing it from every possible perspective with my engineering analysis. But nobody else does this. They don't care.

Speaker 2:

Warburg would do a study 10 times before he published the results. You get it now one time and with the probability they use, the odds are high. This was written about by a top doctor in Stanford and his probability statistics saying your average study is wrong. Don't believe a word of it. Here's why, with the probability analysis, it's unbelievable. When you look at this stuff, you can get an outcome that looks like it's right and the error rate's 97%. So they looked at a pile of cancer studies with. Here's what you do 90% of the time they couldn't duplicate the study, meaning it failed. And then you go back to the original researchers why can't I get the same results you did? You'll love their answer. We're not paid to duplicate studies. We do it one time. We get the result and we publish it.

Speaker 2:

Wonderful, you're publishing statistically wrong. You got lucky and I can give you a complicated thing, but you don't want to hear it. I'm just telling you. It's in what I wrote, and if people look at my program I have a digital one there's a whole thing. It's called relative risk, absolute deception. So the way they do it, they're misleading the doctors. And even in Stanton's book on probability and statistics in the medical field he's a statistical professor at Stanford the average physician doesn't understand statistics. So we allow this to be used, even though it's wrong, right, what? Yeah, wrong, right, what, yeah, yeah I. I fell out of my chair when I saw this. I'm I was beside myself. It's hopeless for the average person. Yeah, fate efficiency is the number one problem in america. So you take the vitamins. They're worthless for most people. Vitamins are in the food, minerals aren't. They're not in the soil because they use artificial fertilizers to grow it. So I am a big believer in proper, truly chelated minerals, but not the crap that you see on the internet with 100 different minerals from the seed.

Speaker 2:

That's garbage. Your vitamin mineral water is utter garbage. And anybody exercising like the Dickens you're not losing your minerals unless you're out four to five hours like a professional athlete. This is in the textbooks for exercise physiologists. So the truth is there, but it's buried and I'm one of the only few that gives it to you. And if you don't believe me, take a look at some of the free reports I have and you can look at this. That's why I wanted to give you this great fiction one. Every page is loaded with where this came from and you can see what they said.

Speaker 2:

And if you think that's too much work, good, when you're sitting half dead, when you're 70 years old, ready to retire, and you get your stroke and you get cancer and you're a zombie. I tried to help. You were lazy and I can't fix lazy. That's the number one problem in America today laziness. And it's too easy. They punch on the phone but I can't give you discerning the tin from the gold. We have information overload. It's too easy to get it and people can't tell what's true and what's not true. And if you look on the internet. You can't do it If you don't have somebody.

Speaker 2:

I don't even like the word expert, I like specialist, I just stay here. Of course it extends, but I theoretical physiology is all I do, and of course it extends elsewhere. Doctors asked me to write a science-based book on weight loss. So I have a 24-hour diet. I have a specialized one in the oils, the EO solution. I have a specialized one on cancer. Of course they have the same core material. They have to. But the perspective is what you care about. But if I care about increasing athletic performance, which you do, the oxygenation rate for an elite athlete goes up. You don't get the lactic acid burn in the gym. So we have pro athletes and bodybuilders around the world going. My endurance is up by 25%. My recuperation time is up 20%. I can't believe what these oils do. Why not? They're the core of a hundred trillion cells. How could you not believe what they do? I don't need another testimonial. You're not telling me anything I don't already know.

Speaker 1:

That's great. Thank you so much for your time. This has been a lot of information and I just want to say we heard a lot about omega-3s and if you didn't find that compelling, listen to it again. So thank you so much for your time. Professor, Please go to his site, brianpeskincom. I've looked at it. It's great. There's lots of more studies and great, very easy to read and understand information. Definitely, listen a couple of times and I will see you on the next episode. Have a wonderful day. Everyone Delight.