The Root of the Matter
Welcome to the world of biologic dentistry! Meet your host, Dr. Rachaele Carver, who presents a comprehensive overview of biologic dentistry and interviews amazing holistic, functional medicine doctors and health practitioners. Dr. Rachaele Carver, D.M.D. is a Board-Certified, Biologic, Naturopathic Dentist & Certified Health Coach.
She owns and practices at Carver Family Dentistry in North Adams, Mass. She is on a mission to provide the best quality holistic dentistry available and educate the world about biologic dentistry.
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The Root of the Matter
Combating Lyme Disease and Parasites with Biomagnetic Therapy
What if your chronic health issues could be alleviated with the help of magnets? In this episode of The Root of the Matter, we welcome Sarah Atwater, an inspiring biomagnetic therapy practitioner from upstate New York. Sarah's journey from struggling with chronic parasites and Lyme disease to discovering the life-changing power of biomagnetism is nothing short of extraordinary. She shares her personal story as a former midwife who contracted severe health problems in Central America and her relentless search for answers through various medical approaches. Sarah's experiences highlight the resilience needed to overcome chronic conditions and the transformative potential of alternative healing methods.
Understanding biomagnetic therapy's foundational science, Sarah offers deep insights into how balancing the body's pH levels can combat pathogens. We unravel how magnets influence cellular pH by affecting hydrogen atoms, creating inhospitable environments for harmful microorganisms. Through targeted examples like treating intestinal amoebas and Lyme disease, Sarah emphasizes the importance of viewing the body as an electrical and magnetic organism. This perspective contrasts sharply with traditional methods that focus solely on eliminating pathogens without addressing the underlying imbalances that allow these microorganisms to thrive.
Sarah also dives into the practical aspects of diagnosing and treating ailments with biomagnetism and muscle testing. She walks us through the process of full-body scans and the application of magnets for various conditions, including joint pain and chronic illnesses. We uncover the specifics of her specialized Lyme kit, which offers a holistic approach to managing Lyme disease by addressing root causes rather than relying on long-term antibiotics. Empower yourself with Sarah's wealth of knowledge and discover how biomagnetic therapy might be the game-changer you've been looking for.
Find out more about Sarah Atwater and her work, check out her website here: https://rootsholisticwellness.com/
Find out more about the Biomagnetic Lyme Kit here: https://biomagneticlymekit.com/
To learn more about holistic dentistry, check out Dr. Carver's website:
To contact Dr. Carver directly, email her at drcarver@carverfamilydentistry.com.
Want to talk with someone at Dr. Carver's office? Call her practice: 413-663-7372
Disclaimer: This podcast is for educational purposes only. Information discussed is not intended for diagnosis, curing, or prevention of any disease and is not intended to replace advice given by a licensed healthcare practitioner. Before using any products mentioned or attempting methods discussed, please speak with a licensed healthcare provider. This podcast disclaims responsibility from any possible adverse reactions associated with products or methods discussed. Opinions from guests are their own, and this podcast does not condone or endorse opinions made by guests. We do not provide guarantees about the guests' qualifications or credibility. This podcast and its guests may have direct or indirect financial interests associated with products mentioned.
Well, everybody, welcome back to another episode of the Root of the Matter. I am your host, dr Rachel Carver, and today we're going to talk about an exciting modality in healing that many of you may not be familiar with, and many maybe you are. We're going to talk about biomagnetic therapy with my friend, sarah Atwater, who is local. For any of you who are local to us, she's in upstate New York and we'll tell you how to find her at the end here. But Sarah and I met a little while ago. We've both been patients of each other, so it's exciting to come and bring our stories to you. So again, sarah is a biomagnetic therapy practitioner in upstate New York. Here she has healed chronic parasites using this therapy, as well as Lyme and some of the other co-infections. But I'm going to let her dive in and tell you her story here. Hi, sarah, welcome and thank you for being here.
Speaker 2:Hi, thank you so much for having me. I'm really glad you had time to talk to me and I'm excited to share my story with your audience. It's really important and I'm really hoping that a lot more people will find out about this really exciting modality for healing. Before I was working with magnets, I was working as a midwife and I had a project that I was doing in Central America, and that's all part of this part of the story here.
Speaker 2:When I was in Central America I I had picked up parasites that a lot of people pick up when they're there.
Speaker 2:It's just everywhere, like Lyme is everywhere here and at the time I had taken whatever medications the doctor had for me and I got better. It's actually quite similar to a lot of people's life story. I got better temporarily and I was like, okay, do that. And then back to upstate New York and moving on with my life, and I was never quite the same after that and my bowels were not right and my energy was like getting less and less and I became pretty seriously chronically ill over a period of about six years and was trying a lot of different things and trying to figure out what it was, and I was in the back of my mind had thought I it's probably, it's probably those parasites. So I had done like I had paid for stool testing and I had seen doctors. I seen a functional medicine doctor and I had made some progress with that. I found out that I had hashimoto's and I found out that I had almost a non-existent ferritin level and my ferritin level was at two, two micrograms per liter, which is well over 50.
Speaker 1:So yeah, that's not good.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I just knew that two just didn't sound like a good number, whatever the number was and which would have explained why I felt like crap all day long every day and couldn't get through my days. I had to give up midwifery at some point for various reasons, but a big reason was my health was just not up for being at first and being up all night. And through this process of seeking and searching and trying to find answers, I did finally. So there was a couple things. So I discovered this modality called biomagnetism from a friend who was living in Central America and I met her there and it's more popular there because the therapy comes from Mexico and she said it's helping me and she was dealing with the same symptoms and figuring it was parasites.
Speaker 2:But I never got the parasites diagnosed by any Western medicine technique that I had employed. I had given up probably quarts of blood in blood tests and then the stool tests and everything I'm just that didn't yield any information. But she started getting better with this therapy and so I said you know what, if she's getting better and she was struggling just as much as me, then then I'm going to try it. And so I made plans to go see her because she was learning how to do it, and that was back in early 2020. And then you couldn't go anywhere. Suddenly I'm like but I was going to Costa Rica. When are they going to lift the travel ban?
Speaker 2:Well, it was a long time, right, yeah, and Costa Rica shut down its borders in both directions for I don't know, it was quite a long time. I started an online training course. I was being offered online for the first time because of the pandemic, so that was a silver lining for me and I did the online training and then I started working with it and I wasn't getting dramatic results with myself, but I had been taking iron infusions just to help my iron and it would help me temporarily, but then my ferritin would go down again. It was regularly getting tested and then my energy would bottom out again and then I'd have to get another iron infusion. So I went through this cycle for a couple years. I think I can't remember two or three years. I was in a little bit better place at that time because I had recently had an iron infusion. I was able to practice and start learning this therapy and working with people and I noticed that when I worked with people who had Lyme, they would get better, like they would have improvement in their symptoms, and I thought, well, that's really great, because it's that much that helps Lyme and a lot of people, people struggling with it. So I kept doing that and kept getting good results, and I was impressed with that.
Speaker 2:Eventually, after about a year of doing this work, I went to see a practitioner a functional medicine practitioner who used the cell core vials to do the muscle testing, and she and I tested for protozoa. And also she told me that a number one first thing I needed to do for my health was to get rid of my root canal tooth, which I felt was a problem too. You know, you just like it's hard to know how to make decisions really, and but so then it was like, okay, get the tooth out and and figure out how to deal with the protozoa. And so I came to you to get the tooth removed and you also tested me with your vials and I think you probably have the same vials that she does and you came up with the same answer that was protozoa. And I'm like, okay. And then I actually went to a third practitioner around the same time, a chiropractor who also uses the cell core, and she also came up with that. And so I'm like, okay, that's clearly what it is. But then when I was started researching about protozoa, it's a lot more detailed than it usually gives people. This is part of the story. So this is I'm glad to share this.
Speaker 2:When I was researching the protozoa, I saw that there were different organisms within that and but because I had the biomagnetism tools, I could test for each one because there's a different biomagnetic pair. Rather than group it in protozoa, there's a different biomagnetic pair for each parasite and I came up with intestinal amoebas and Giardia, which is exactly what I was diagnosed with by clinical symptoms when I was in Guatemala, with like clinical symptoms when I was in Guatemala and I was like I found you, I got you now and I I did the biomagnetic pairs for those, um, for those parasites and I did them every day for a couple of weeks. I also was able to get my hands on some ivermectin. I took ivermectin and I also took homeopathic artemisia. So this was my arsenal the ivermectin, the artemisia and the magnets, and I noticed if I skipped a day or two of the magnets and came back, that it would be positive again. So I just was like every day putting the magnets on, came back and that it would be positive again. So I just was like every day putting the magnets on for those, all those parasites, and after a couple of weeks it was clear like I wasn't. They weren't coming up again as biomagnetic tears.
Speaker 2:I had a pretty big die-off reaction which at first I didn't know what was happening. And then I was like I'm dying because I had like low-grade fever headache. I felt drugged, like I was on drugs. So like when I went with my scorpions when I was in central america, you feel like you're drugged, you know not. They I guess they inject some kind of drugs in you and they send you and I was like this. I just feel so weird, what's going on? And then we're internet researching whatever and figuring out that I'm probably going to die of reaction. And after about two weeks of that reaction was done, I started feeling better. Next time I went to get my labs done, my ferritin was up to a normal level and it hasn't back and I've been fine since then and for me it's a miracle, it's a total miracle. I struggled for six years with symptoms of just feeling like crap all the time.
Speaker 1:Parasites were my story too. That was at the crux of my eczema and it was the Cellcor products that really helped me also eradicate, along with some other things. But the parasites are just tricky little fellas because, as you said, they aren't diagnosed in blood work, they aren't diagnosed in stool. Parasites like to hide all over the place and they want to survive. So that is why I love the muscle testing. I love all the energy medicine. It's a much better way to find these stealth infections that, in my opinion, are at the root of most of our chronic diseases.
Speaker 2:But then okay, now we found it.
Speaker 1:But we need these tools right, like magnets, to get rid of them, because a lot of typical anti-parasitic drugs as you took them and they were a little bit helpful, but parasites have a very long life cycle.
Speaker 2:So if you don't, kill the adult and the larva and the eggs.
Speaker 1:you continue to have these chronic issues, so you can't just treat for a course of antibiotics and be done with it. So tell us a little bit about why. We've talked a little bit about EMFs on the show and talked about how our bodies are electric and magnetic, but most of us don't really appreciate that. Interestingly, just before we got on this, I did my little Nest Health bio scan. One of the things that came up for me was my big field aligner was off and it's my magnetic field that is off, so I could probably use some magnetic therapy. Right now I'm like I'm leaving to go to Europe tomorrow and I'm like, oh geez, I really need to try to do a little bit of my. The other thing we use is pulse electromagnetic frequencies too, to try to balance that. But so tell us, how does a magnet? We all know what magnets are, but how does that work? When we place a magnet on our body, what is happening?
Speaker 2:as far as the what the magnets are doing, this is what I understand. I could be wrong, there could be a lot of other things going on, but from a purely physical standpoint what I understand is that the magnets are affecting the hydrogen atoms of the cell. Affecting the hydrogen atoms of the cell, so the pH of our cells and our tissues, our blood and everything has a pH, a potential of hydrogen. How much hydrogen is or isn't in the cell, and that's volatile and change and it changes. It's actually changing all the time. So the hydrogen atom is a small atom and it's positively charged. So when you put a magnet on one area of the body that has more or less hydrogen and it gets into like specific cellular movements, and so this is a general idea, that it's doing something on that level. It's moving the hydrogen atoms out or in to the cell, depending on which side of the magnet you use. In every biomagnetic pair there are two magnets. So each magnet has a negative side and a positive side, and the biomagnetism magnets are black on one side, red on the other, to indicate which is positive and negative, because it matters, it's not just about putting magnets on your body, but it's which charge you're using, and then you have to make sure that there's a pair, for example for intestinal amoebas. The pair is so You're going to put the negative side of a magnet and these are strong magnets, stronger than, like, a refrigerator magnet or something, they're a thousand gauss minimum and you put the negative side on, usually the right side, the right gluteus, and then you put the positive side of another magnet on the right gluteus and then you put the positive side of another magnet on the left gluteus and then you balance out the pair. And each microorganism, each imbalance has a different place in the body. This just happens to be where the imbalance is for intestinal parasites, where the imbalance is for intestinal parasites, and what you're doing is balancing the pH in that area through a mechanism of somehow dislodging the hydrogen ions to be able to move around and find a balanced place. And when you have those two magnets on, they just do that naturally. They find their balance, they find their evenness between each other, and then what that does in turn is that it makes the terrain in that area inhospitable to whatever pathogens it is posting. So your tissues actually can't like parasites, can't live in the balanced tissue. They thrive in an unbalanced, each unbalanced tissue imbalance.
Speaker 2:So for Lyme, I'm working a lot with Lyme. People have Lyme. Now one of the main pairs is right on the level. So you put a negative magnet right over the rib, in the lower rib, over the liver, and then the positive side, another magnet somewhere else in the liver, and that balances out the area where Borrelia lives. So I've come to the conclusion that the liver is absolutely number one with Lyme. Pairing up the liver and balancing the liver with magnets and this is an easy thing to do. Anybody can do it, you don't need to see a practice room to do it, and there's a lot of other pairs involved with one. It's not the only one but that's basically the idea.
Speaker 1:Yeah, so this is fascinating, and when we talk a lot about how we really need to understand our bodies as this electrical, magnetic organism and most of us are familiar with the idea of pH it's very confusing. Most people think, oh, I've got to be alkaline, right, so they drink alkaline water. All this, but the body's way more complex and there are certain areas in the body that we need to be acidic and there are certain areas that we want to be alkaline, even inside and outside the cell, right. This is how it seems. We talk in biochemistry that there are these receptors on cell membranes and you got to lock and key to get. But I think in reality I don't even know that's actually true. In reality, I believe that it's all electrical and so when we have this charge differential, that is how things actually move in and out of cells and we know, things like parasites and any other kind of microbial infection.
Speaker 1:They live in areas where there's less flow of energy. There is a total imbalance. Things are not moving. So when the magnets are moving the electrons, like hydrogen, when you're moving an electron, you're creating energy and that is how our cells communicate. That is how we absorb things, that's how we remove things and, like you said, you're creating a terrain that is inhospitable to these microorganisms. It's just like we talk about this in the mouth all the time too.
Speaker 1:Right, traditional medicine, we're always in dentistry. We're talking about kill the bad. But why did the bad overgrow in the first place? Because the terrain became inhospitable place for our good bugs. Right, instead of in my office and in my practice, we're always working on that terrain. How do we make a very healthy terrain so that the bad bugs never grow? For grow in the first place? I think it's like cavitations and the root canals, right, when you have a dead tooth, there's no more electron flow up in that area of the tooth. That negative frequency can attract things. So that's why, when you take out a root canal tooth and you send it to a lab, you're going to find all sorts of microorganisms because they are attracted electrically, magnetically, whatever the energy says to that area of the body.
Speaker 1:I was just on a consult with a patient right before this and we were talking about she had had cancer and we were saying the idea is to, if we have enough energy in the body, if we have enough energy that flows properly, that disease can't take hold right. And so this is such an amazing modality because it is non-invasive you don't you have your clothes on, it's just, it's so easy, you don't really feel anything nothing.
Speaker 1:You don't put anything in your digestive tract, is just you can do it through the clothes because you are yes, you are majorly impacting the electrical and magnetic system of the body, which is at the foundation. We, again, we're all trained in all this biochemistry, but it's the energy that allows the biochemistry to work, and so we have to get all this energy flowing. So this is, and this is why this can be so effective right, because that's what we need to, exactly what you said. We need to change the terrain, and so when you're treating something like yourself you said was daily for weeks, is that a typical time? Let's say, I'm sure every person is totally different. Is it generally you have to do it daily for a month, or is there any guidelines or protocols?
Speaker 2:Yeah, that's not the usual. I was just. I was on a war path. I was so sick and tired and sick and tired and I was like I got you, I know who you are, I'm letting go, Like you are not going to stay here any longer, you are evicted from my system. So I wasn't going to just do a treatment, see what happens. I was like every day putting on it because I was just so in that mode. But generally, like when people come to see me, I come do a treatment and then they might come back a week later, two weeks later, three weeks later, see how they feel and it's fine. Like minimum is usually once a week to do a full session for the kit that I created for people who are treating themselves for lyme. I encourage them to do a full session for the kit that I created for people who are treating themselves for Lyme. I encourage them to do it every day and just do different pairs every day, just go through the whole list of each day, so they get through it once a week.
Speaker 2:So that's the other exciting thing, right.
Speaker 1:Yeah, yeah, yeah, you can go to you get the initial treatments, but then it's something you can do easily. You don't have to understand all the nuts and bolts of it, because it's such a simple. As long as you know where to place the magnets, you can really get some great effect.
Speaker 2:Let's explain one more thing about the, because, when you were asking about how it works and the ph and everything, one piece that I I didn't say that I remembered while you're talking is that that our bodies actually seek a balanced ph and, like you said, someplace like the stomach needs to be acid and the reproductive organs are different phs at different times of the month. It's not a perfectly balanced and it's not. We're not alkaline either. It's like overall we need to be balanced, and so what happens is that when we have something, a trigger event or could be a trigger emotional event, or food or toxic something it could be so many different things that throws us off, we'll have one area of the body that goes alkaline and then, in response, there's another area of the body that goes acidic, and so then you have two stuck patterns and those two stuck patterns keep that stagnation where those pathogens can grow and live and reproduce, and so it's about unsticking those two areas and bringing more flow. So I just wanted to make that clarity, but it's very much what you're saying.
Speaker 2:It's like when the energy is not moving, you got things like parasites and molds and bacteria that have been eating, so they're not really the problem. They're not actually the cause of anything. Maybe their waste products might be the cause of some of our symptoms. That, I think, could be true, but their existence is not the cause of us being unwell. It's our stuck energy creates an environment which makes it easy for them to be there, and so that's why they're there. So once we make sure that our environment is no longer an easy place for them to live, then they go away.
Speaker 1:So tell me a little bit about how you diagnose, maybe, what's going on. To elaborate a little bit on the your like muscle testing, if somebody comes to you I think I have this how do you figure out what the best magnets are?
Speaker 2:Yeah, okay.
Speaker 2:So if someone comes to me for a session, I I might start looking for specific things. I usually do a full scan which is just a head to toe reading. I do want to know what's going on with the person, because I want to know what their issues are in daily life. I'm tired this hurts, that hurts whatever it is in their history, but I don't need to know a whole lot of digging into a whole lot of specifics, lab work and all that stuff. It's not something isn't important, but it's not necessarily necessary, because I'm doing like you do with the vials, where you just take all the vials and them all and see what comes up. I have a testing process like that. I'm going through a list of types of pairs first, so there's regular pairs, special and reservoir pairs. When first, before anything, I bring in higher intelligence, let's back up there. So I'm doing intake and then I'm bringing in higher intelligence, because for me that's a huge part of what I'm doing all that to help us divine, to direct the show and show me what I need to know and you know how I can be at best service. And then I'm asking that higher intelligence to show me what kind of care it is and I'm using. So the muscle testing that I'm using is the length of the legs, from holding a person's feet, seeing where they line up, and then from there measuring if there's a shortening of one leg or the other. And that would be when I hit imbalance. And then hitting an imbalance first verbally, let's say I get a shortening of the leg when I say is it a regular pill? Yes. Is it a bacteria? No. Is ita virus? No. Is it a parasite? Yes, okay. And then within the parasites, when I'm going down the list of parasites, just one after the other, oxyplasmodon plasmo, there's something plasmo we own. It's a major histolytica, it's a hefty stable.
Speaker 2:There's a whole babesia. Let's say it's babesia, that's a Lyme-Cohen function. And then I get a yes, so they'll be shortened to check it with the magnets. So the BCA pair is also on the gluteus, gluteus, femoral vein. So there's a black magnet on the gluteus and then the red goes on there and just below it on the femoral vein, on the back of the leg. If I put a black magnet on the gluteus and I get a shortening, it could be a number of things. It could be black mold, which is also a pair of the sinus radius. It could be intestinal parasites, like what was just intestinal aneurysms it was just talking me out or it could be a babesia.
Speaker 2:And if I put then the red magnet on the femoral vein and then the legs lengthen again, that the same length again, then I know that I've hit that pair and I've balanced it out. And then I do the other side as well, since there's two, two glutes. So I'll just I'll check over them and then I just keep doing that same process over and over until I I get no more, until there's no more yeses, and I'm saying is there another pair? Is there another pair? I ask it different ways, I check and it's just quiet. There's no more shortening of the light.
Speaker 1:And our session is done. Tell us a little bit how maybe we could use magnets for TMD. A lot of people have pain in the joints and it can be caused from a lot of different things. Can magnets?
Speaker 2:Anything where there's pain in the joints. There's actually a protocol for that that I wrote. I wrote it out in an e-book. I'm explaining about the basic things about biomagnetism, just like an introduction to the topic, and then at the end there's an explanation of how to do this with joints. So that's something that the audience could access if they wanted to.
Speaker 2:And basically you put a black magnet on the joint where there's pain and then you put a red magnet on each of the inguinal nerves, so right in the crease of the leg. So there's just one. So you have three magnets altogether. Or you have or you do one. If you have only two magnets, you do one at a time.
Speaker 2:Or let's say you have pain in the left side of the TMJ, then you put a black magnet there, put a red magnet on the angular nerve on the left side and you leave it there for 30 minutes, and then you put the red magnet on the angular nerve of the right side and leave it there for 30 minutes. Or if you have all those three magnets, then you can do them at the same time. And if you have more magnets and you have multiple places where you have joint pain, you can do that. You can do them all at once, you don't have to do them all at the same time. And then for just general pain like inflammation, pain that's not joint related you would put the magnet on wherever the pain is uh, black side and then the red side, which is the positive side, would go on each of the kidneys and then again for pain anywhere in the body, anywhere.
Speaker 2:So I would say try both.
Speaker 1:Yeah, try both um, that's cool because I'm always trying to search for things. Patients come in and they have tooth pain. I can do a lot of things in the office, but then I think but again, when I'm always thinking they need more energy, how do we pump more energy into the body? And they can't take my ozone machine home with them. So this, this is another awesome at-home way. We encourage our patients to use red light. Same kind of idea we're pumping photons energy into the body, but on the magnets. Again, super simple, easy to do. You can't really hurt yourself, correct? Could you do it wrong and then could there be a problem?
Speaker 2:No, there's just certain contraindications.
Speaker 1:If somebody had an implanted device, they probably can't use magnets right. So what are some other contraindications there?
Speaker 2:Basic contraindications are if you have an electronic device like a pacemaker the one that's always mentioned, I don't know what other kind of movement, I'm not sure anything that's got electronics in it, you want to keep at least 12 inches away. So just don't put magnets on those places. And that might be where you need it. But you just got to be safe with that, because if you have a pacemaker and it gets shorted out like that's not good, right, it's not to say you can't use magnets, but just you want to keep it safe. Yeah, and probably, if you got that, I would probably check with a doctor about that. Do you have a doctor that's dealing with your pacemaker? I want you to, must want that. I want people to be able to access the benefit of this, this healing technology, and not to be like oh, that's not for me, because I have this, because you might still be able to use it.
Speaker 2:Headache, here's another one. So there's a couple, first, 80 kinds of things that I'll tell you, and I've used this a few times recently with people where they have a headache and I put a red magnet sorry, black magnet, black side for the body on the two terry right in the middle of the head and then the red side on the cerebellum, so just on the back of the head, and then hold that in place with the headband and leave that for 30 minutes and in every case that I've done this and it's just come up like a few times in the last month the headache goes away instantly. This is amazing, and every time I get these wide eyes oh my god, they just want amazing. I've never had that before. I don't usually get headed, so I don't have the experience myself, but I've seen this and that's pretty. I think it's just reducing inflammation. I think that's what it's doing in the head anytime we have pain, the energy interrupted.
Speaker 1:So you put that magnet on, you're going to get instant energy flow and it will flush out whatever is leading to that inflammation.
Speaker 2:Yeah, so here's a couple, yeah, so here's a couple other things. So there's a couple of pairs that are specifically indicated for dental things. There's dental kidney, and again you just do both kidneys, black magnet on whatever the dental problem is, and this one comes up a lot for me in sessions because a lot of people have dental issues, it's just very common and then the two under kidneys and when you have and I'm sure this the work that you do, I'm sure you know this, but just for your audience, like there are places in the body, specific areas in the body that in biomagnetism are called reservoirs, and the reservoirs, like I said, like intestinal parasites, have this specific area in the radius. Reservoirs can hold anything. Certain reservoirs hold any bacteria, certain ones hold any parasites, certain ones hold anything and it's like dormant, maybe like cysts or however they form themselves to go dormant. And one of those universal reservoirs that can hold anything is in teeth. Any kind of dental issue that can be something that impacts the whole system.
Speaker 1:So when you're it's interesting you say that because I've had several patients they have a joint injury an ankle, a knee, a hip and then a week later they have teeth, tooth pain along that same side of the body and it's really interesting whereas you can't find any specific dental issue no decay, no cracks, no inflammation. So yeah, it's interesting that you mentioned that.
Speaker 2:And it could be along the meridians too. A biomagnetism doesn't really talk about, or meridians, but that doesn't mean meridians aren't doing what they're doing. It's just not something that's part of the modality. So that's one thing, and that's something that you could even do in your office or people could do at home if they had magnets is just to do frequent balancing of their tooths and their kidneys. And then the other thing is so is that something that you are familiar with?
Speaker 1:Yeah, so that's a big one resident in the oral microbiome that's indicated in a lot of colon cancers.
Speaker 2:Okay, great. So I didn't know if this was a biomedicine thing or if this was a dental thing. So I've had these questions Part of the reason why I reached out to you, because I'm like I really want to figure out how this relates to holistic dentistry and what the crossover is. So, yes, so FUSA bacteria being in the mouth is important for you and your patients, and the repair for that is internal jugular vein. So this is something also that your patients can do, or you can do it in the office. You can teach them how to do it.
Speaker 2:So the internal jugular vein is deep in there and, luckily, unlike something like surgery or acupuncture, where you have to be pretty precise, you don't want to screw it up.
Speaker 2:You have to know exactly.
Speaker 2:With magnets you can be in the general area and the magnetic field is large enough that you'll usually catch the area that needs to be balanced, so you don't have to worry about it too much, but you want to get as close as possible.
Speaker 2:You don't have to worry about it too much, but you want to get as close as possible. So in here and I really struggle to try to figure out where it was and looking at drawings and stuff online so people can do that too if they really want to know exactly. But you basically put a black magnet on one side, so usually the right, and then on the internal jugular vein and then red on the left internal jugular vein and then red on the left internal jugular vein, and then, just to be sure that you've got all possibilities, you flip them over and then, in case it's switched which is not usual but it could be, and if you're not doing the assessment you won't know. So just do it the other way, also for 30 minutes, and that will balance out the area where the fusobacterium are stuck and producing and doing what they do. And it's right here, it's right next to the mouth. So that can be a huge help to your patients.
Speaker 1:Absolutely. That's awesome. Well, gosh, you've given us. This has been probably the most practical podcast we we've gotten. You've given us so many nuggets on how to really help heal ourselves. So now, if somebody wants to come see you and have you teach them how to do all these things, how can we get in touch with you?
Speaker 2:okay. So there's a couple different things that I'm offering. So one is supposed to help my private sessions. I work in at roots holistic wellness, inatham, new York, and so you can just look through the holistic wellness and under the services and book there. So that's one way. And for people who are dealing with Lyme, they can go to the biomagneticlymekitcom and that's where I sell my live kit. So it'd be great if I could talk about that a little bit. So one of the really amazing things that experiences that I've had with diamantism is how well it treats slime.
Speaker 2:And around the same time I was finally figuring out this parasite issue with myself. I also had come down with the of Lyme and it was one of those where it didn't keep up on me. It was dramatic. I had the fever, I had the rash, I had all the stuff and it was like, okay, I need to have Lyme. And I already had my protocol, my magnet protocol, because I'd already been working with people, and so I just did the protocol on myself and I literally got better 90% better overnight One night, woke up the next morning and I was pretty good and then by the end of five days, totally good, no antibiotics.
Speaker 2:I did go to the lab to get tested and it came back positive for Lyme and anaplasmosis and I was like, yep, that's what I was thinking too. And also that's what my scan revealed was what I was thinking in terms of symptoms, because I'd had anaplasmosis before. But then when I did the biomagnetic scan I was like, oh, lyme and anaphylosis again, and then that's what their lab tests also confirmed. But by the time the lab test came back I was already fine, I was better. So I I didn't.
Speaker 1:Yeah, with no antibiotics, cause sometimes they want you to be on that six weeks, three months, and we know how that destroys our years.
Speaker 2:People get up, stay on these iv antibiotics for years, the destruction that goes to your body, desperately trying to kill. And it's not actually the answer to be at war with these microbes. It's really not. You know we have so you said there's a website that shows your protocol.
Speaker 1:Can you just say it a little bit of one more time?
Speaker 2:It's. So it's a kit. So you buy the kit and then the kit is a box that has four magnets and make the magnets myself, actually, and so they're specially designed for this and then there's instruction booklet and a journal so you can track your progress and do some internal reflections. There's a video on USB in the kit so you can pop in a video and watch if reading isn't your thing, and so for some people watching isn't their thing, reading is their thing, so you have both options. People watching isn't their thing, reading is their thing, so you have both options.
Speaker 2:There's guided meditations to really try to figure out what's underneath the illness, because there's usually something. There's tape, because you have to have the athletic tape, so you have to take the magnets onto yourself to do that, and then a headband to keep the magnets on your head, since you're not going to put tape on your hair, and so all of that is in the box. And then people also get access to the the line hub, which is a year subscription to only one line and talking with me every week, as much or as little as you want, to get ongoing support. So that's what is on the website and it's biomagneticwinekitcom.
Speaker 1:Biomagneticwinekitcom. That sounds incredibly exciting, like you've really put a lot of thought into that and have crossed all your keys.
Speaker 2:And it's been helping people. So I'll tell you the second story about Lyme, how this came about. A couple years later I'd had this experience and I told people about it and everything's like, oh, that's interesting. And then my son ended up coming down with Lyme a couple years later, which really actually just about a year ago, and he had the same thing like I did the protocol. He woke up in the middle of the night. I did the protocol with him and he went from crying and asking me to go to the hospital. She was going back to sleep and waking up the next morning and was fine. This has happened with other people too who have my kids. Then somebody comes up and they do the protocol.
Speaker 2:The two other cases where I've had this instant overnight success have been with kids who are three years old. They were both three-year-olds, maybe generally healthier to begin with or something I don't know, but respond super well. So there's no placebo, I don't think with a three-year-old, the parents doing this and then, after the kid's been sick for weeks or whatever, and then suddenly boom, it breaks and they're better the next morning. It's happened two more times and in general with the lime kit, people have been the most people that use it are people who've been chronically ill and they're just desperate and they're trying everything and anything and it's helping those people as well.
Speaker 2:You start to read the testimonials on the website, you'll get a a picture of house and helping people. That's really remarkable and I've had people tell me more than one person tell me that they've spent like tens of thousands of dollars. One guy told me he spent $200,000 trying to solve this issue of chronic blind symptoms and with a combination of the kit and private sessions with me, he's substantially recovered. He basically feels like this has helped him more than anything else at life. A pit and cost.
Speaker 1:Yes, well, that's super exciting. So I know there's so many thousands and thousands of people who are dealing with this chronic Lyme and please reach out, share this episode with your friends. I know if you're not suffering from it, a friend or a family member who might be dealing with this. So check out the website, get the kit and let's all get learning more about magnets. Sarah, thanks so much for coming on today. I hope everybody enjoyed this episode and leave us a review and let us know what else you'd like to hear about. And until next time, have a wonderful day everybody.