The Root of The Matter

Exploring the Mind: Neuroplasticity, Brainwave Technology, and Stress Management with Dr. Patrick Porter

November 19, 2023 Dr. Rachaele Carver, D.M.D. Board-Certified, Biologic, Naturopathic Dentist Season 1 Episode 21

Get ready to embark on a journey into the human mind with Dr. Patrick Porter, an innovator in the realm of brainwave technology. This episode promises to enlighten you on the profound effects of light, sound, and vibration on the human body. The conversation delves into Dr. Porter's introduction to the Silva Method and his creation of the revolutionary BrainTap headset. We also delve into the intriguing world of neuroplasticity—our brain's capacity to change and adapt.

Ever wondered how stress impacts your brain? Or how you can flex the power of your mind to combat stress? Dr. Porter offers insightful perspectives on these matters and shares his knowledge on boosting neuroplasticity. In our engaging discussion, we not only explore how to increase neuroplasticity by an astounding 39% in just six weeks, but also the implications of not exercising our brains.

We continue our enlightening discourse by discussing the potential benefits of the BrainTap headset for those dealing with anxiety. Dr. Porter shares how thrice-daily use of the headset can uplift mood, boost performance, and even aid in the detoxification of the brain. By the end of our conversation, you’ll have a deeper understanding of how light, sound, and isochronic tones can regulate our emotions, enhance neuroplasticity, and aid in stress relief, pain control, life improvement, and health optimization. Tune in now to this information-packed episode!

To access Brain Tap and learn more click this link: 


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Want to talk with someone at Dr. Carver's office?  Call her practice: 413-663-7372

Disclaimer: This podcast is for educational purposes only. Information discussed is not intended for diagnosis, curing, or prevention of any disease and is not intended to replace advice given by a licensed healthcare practitioner. Before using any products mentioned or attempting methods discussed, please speak with a licensed healthcare provider. This podcast disclaims responsibility from any possible adverse reactions associated with products or methods discussed. Opinions from guests are their own, and this podcast does not condone or endorse opinions made by guests. We do not provide guarantees about the guests' qualifications or credibility. This podcast and its guests may have direct or indirect financial interests associated with products mentioned.

Speaker 1:

Welcome everybody to another episode of the Root of the Matter with me, your host, Dr Rachel Carver. Today, I am honored to have Dr Patrick Porter on the podcast. Dr Porter is a PhD award-winning author, educator, consultant, entrepreneur and speaker. He's been on the cutting edge of brainwave and treatment technology for about 32 years. So I first learned about Dr Porter in 2020 during lockdown, didn't have much to do, couldn't practice dentistry, and I was reading a lot. I was learning a lot and came up across this technology called BrainTap. And for those of you who don't know how many of you are actually watching this, but I have a little it's a headset. Braintap is a little headset that has light in the eye part and also sound coming out of the headset. So Dr Porter will talk to us a little bit about why we need to have sound and light, why that matters, and so tell us a little bit about Dr Porter, why and how you got into brain technology in the first place.

Speaker 2:

Right? Well, first of all I'd like to people. I was blessed to be the son of an alcoholic, because my dad's the one who actually started this whole thing out Back in the 70s. He was looking for a way to stop drinking. He wasn't getting the results he wanted with AA, kept going to all and going around the country, really staying at these 30-day. We used to think dad was just going on vacation for 30 days all the time. And then the church members came over and they said hey, michael, we got this program for you. We want you to come and learn how to relax. So the Silva method is what it's called, and they used a sound very similar to the isochronic tones that we use, except we actually layer in some other sounds with it. But he laid in a room and they taught him all about stress and how to get rid of stress. And he came home that night and stopped drinking and he thought well, if it's good enough for me, it's good enough for my nine kids. And so we all learned how to use this method and he became an instructor, one of the first in the country. So I grew up actually doing seminars with dad. I still feel like I'm doing the same thing going there, setting up rooms, talking to people.

Speaker 2:

What I did. My background is I wasn't going to do this. Obviously this was what dad was doing. But I went to school for electronics because I was back then, before the word geek was popular, I was probably one of those geeks that people would meet. I was an unusual geek because I was really good at sports as well, but I was really into the geeky stuff CV radios fixing. Back then you could fix radios and TVs and things like that. You don't do that anymore, but that motivated me to see how could I take these two things I love. One was I love to meditate, relax and visualize, because the civil method basically taught you how to take back control of your mind Instead of letting other people control what you think and do you basically begin to. Now you might call it like positive affirmations or positive psychology or something like that. So you start visualizing what you want and you go to this. You go to level which was alpha, and what I found was when I got into practice went to school for psychology and that and when I got into practice I noticed people weren't really able to relax like I was because there was no mechanism to do it other than the silver sound and we didn't have the rights to that sound.

Speaker 2:

So I was hired by a group called Light and Sound Research. We were developing a clinical model, which is $10,000. And in the process of doing that, we had a little prototype and I said, wow, this prototype is pretty cool. And I said would you mind if I share this with my clients and see if anybody wants to buy any? Because nobody had any money.

Speaker 2:

We were a small company out of Scottsdale, arizona, and I sold 10 of them in a week. And they go what'd you do with those? I said, well, my clients, they loved it, they were able to relax. It was the first one with a sunglass looking thing with goggles. And then the sounds. There was no voice at that time, no music even. It was just the what they call white noise and pink noise. Now I bury all that in the music because you don't really need to hear that, like we thought in the very beginning. But people loved it and we just accelerated from there and I started a franchise company with it and then I sold that in 2002 and then in 2013, I decided I wanted to upgrade the system and that's what we have now. The BrainTap headset is an upgrade, because these used to all be separate components and it used to look like a stereo system the old stereos where you'd have them stacking, and now, because of electronics, we can put it all inside of the headphones.

Speaker 2:

So I'm very intrigued still with how light, sound and vibration affects the human body, and we're doing research all over the world that we can get into as much as we want to. I'm a big believer in what you're doing, because we talk all the time about every tooth being like a fuse box for the nervous system and people don't understand there's nothing separate about us. You can't take one thing out of the equation, and so many people try to think that's. The problem we have with specialized medicine is they become so specialized they don't work on. We need to look at a person as the whole person and, through my research, what got me into it first, I should say, is nutrition. My mother went to an irodologist so, and I still work with irodology all the time. I'm doing a conference here in October, I think, with in Florida with the irodology group, because the eyes actually show a lot of things too. It seems like the body just reproduces itself all over the place.

Speaker 1:

Well, so what you're saying is so true. We've talked about that on the podcast before, how every tooth is on a different energy meridian, and one of the reasons I wanted to have you on the podcast is we know the brain is obviously so functional and everything we're feeling, we're processing through that, the nervous system, and what I see a lot of time in my practice someone will come in with a toothache and there's no obvious clinical reason, but obviously they're having pain and they'll come and say to me.

Speaker 1:

Well, this dentist said I was just crazy and it was fine, it would go away. Well, there's a reason, right? Maybe it's not specifically coming from the tooth, but you're feeling it in that tooth. So the brain is very amazing. There's all these intricacies, and how many of us have dental anxiety?

Speaker 1:

I do, I don't like to sit in my own chair, and some of those things get entrained from a very young age, right. And so everybody's heard of meditation and a lot of people say, oh, I can't do it. But we're talking a little bit more beyond meditation. We know that the brain can change. I think years ago we thought, nope, after a certain age, that's it. That's the way the brain is. You can never change. But we know that's totally false now. And so, even though these beliefs that have been entrained and created kind of our personality, all these fears and anxieties, we know that there is a way that we can change those brain patterns so that the next time you sit in the dental chair it won't create that anxiety. Because when we have that anxiety, what happens? Our blood pressure changes, we have all these physiological changes that are not helpful.

Speaker 1:

So for me, if I'm extracting a tooth and somebody is very anxious, they're not going to heal as well, right? Because they're in the sympathetic nervous system. So this is one of the reasons I brought this into the practice, right? So those and I had two this week and I hadn't set it up to my phone yet. With the new head pieces I was like, oh, I got to hurry up and set that up, because the patients could have really benefited from even just having five or 10 minutes, because you even have dental anxiety. There are tracks specifically for dentistry on there. So, just again, getting the person in that right frame of mind allows all of the body to work better. So maybe you can tell us a little bit of like. So what I'm talking about is what we call neuroplasticity and the ability of the brain waves to change. How does that work?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, if you think about just about stress in general, if you, there's always that picture of the bear with the mama bear and somebody's walking up to it. The mama bear gets up on her hind legs and starts stressing out. Now that she only has one reaction to protect her cubs. But as long as you keep your distance, that's like a stress free stage. She has all these options available to her. So we know that when you're stressed out, your brain and all the neurological activity begins to collapse on itself. So you don't have neuroplasticity at that moment, you have reactionary. Now so what happens? Think of neuroplasticity as energy in the brain to do work. So the more energy we have in the brain, the more neurons we have firing, the more choices we have, the better opportunity we have.

Speaker 2:

Most people don't realize that pain is exacerbated by stress. So the more stress you have, the more beta brainwave, in other words, you have. The more, the more pain you're going to feel. So when we teach people like my dentist still to the state thinks I just fall asleep in his chair. But what I'm doing is I'm putting myself into an altered state. So I don't have to, I don't have to be present for him to work and I said just ask me questions if you want. I'm still here, I'm just not conscious, I'm not going to be focusing on. I'm going to be across the room watching him work on me in my imagination One or her, but I've not had a female dentist but in the process of doing this.

Speaker 2:

So the whole thing is, how do you anticipate? Because we get what we anticipate, what we think about, we bring about. That's the way that the saying works and that's also neuroplastic in nature. So we plan our stress as well as we plan our de-stressing. What everyone would think we plan like people spend a lot of time planning their one week vacation, but then they don't plan the rest of the weeks of their year. So what we tell people is if you plan it with a relaxed mind, you're building that neuroplasticity to give you the flexibility to choose.

Speaker 2:

Because the less the less, and you said it earlier, when you're in the parasympathetic state, you have this open nervous system that's free, flowing, energized. It's the healing, relaxation nervous system. Most people are hanging out in that fight or flight, a reactionary mindset, and they're using their biological system to mitigate it, which means they're using coffee, tea and sugar too. Because when you're in the sympathetic system it takes a lot of energy. When you have a series of bad things happen to you, you have to sleep more. You just don't have the energy of the zest. But when you're in love and everything seems to be going right, you're hitting all the green lights wherever you're going, then the energy seems to flow Because in the parasympathetic state it's almost like an infinite. You're plugging into the infinite instead of plugging into the finite of our physical body. So what we teach people is that you can change your brain at any age.

Speaker 2:

We did one study we did with dementia. We took in our pilot study down in. That's written into a book now called Saving a Brain. We took every person in the study off the dementia scale in six weeks by doing three times a day and we increased their neuroplasticity by 39%. That's measured in energy, because we can't really measure neurons specifically, but we can measure energy and then they have a math equation that's used, but it's really about energy. We live in an energy economy.

Speaker 2:

If you're doing things that drain your energy, you're not going to be, you're going to pass out in your chair at night, you're not going to have much of a life and your happiness score is going to go way down. We want to have that happiness quotient to be up there, that you're doing what you love to do, you're having a good time and it's all really on what you focus on. Because when I was in practice which I now just work with my clinics that are out there we have 4,000 clinics like yourself that are using BrainTap and they a lot of times like me we found that people coming in don't like their job. So if you don't like what you're doing eight hours a day or more, you're not going to have a very good life satisfaction. But if you change the way you emotionally think about that job because unless you can change the job, you're stuck until you retire or whatever's going on, and too many people retire and expire because they haven't built in the neuroplasticity really they haven't. They haven't.

Speaker 2:

If you do the same thing every day, the brain will unwire itself. Most people are under the misconception. They think that when we're born we're not wired and then as we learn we wire up. It's actually the exact opposite. Our brain is totally wired when we're born and as we learn things it unwires. That's why if you speak more than one language, you have a brain circuit that stays on, rather than someone who's only learned one language, because once you've learned one language and your brain doesn't think you need another one, you have to learn it before seven for this to happen. Then it shuts down that brain circuit, because the brain is an energy hog. It's using so much energy that we need to. It's always looking for ways to offload its work. That's why we have to do the brain fitness, just like any other muscle, because, just like the muscles in our legs, if we don't get up and walk and move, they're going to atrophy. The same thing's true with the neurological system it's going to atrophy if we don't use it.

Speaker 1:

So I'm just gonna say that, because they always talk about with children, they're much more intuitive right at a very, very young age, and then the truth of life gets beat out of them, right. So it's interesting I've never heard it said that way that they're unwiring, but you can see that and then maybe they rewire in these, these pounds, and unfortunately, I think in the environment we live in today, we are just constantly being bombarded with fear and like all this terrible negative energy. I mean I was just watching TV last night and they were. There was an ad for the new flu vaccine.

Speaker 1:

Oh, it was a wolf and it was just this like horrible thing, you know, if you've seen the shingles commercial, you know, in the last few years there's just been so much fear being pumped into us, and fear is the lowest vibration right, so the weakest energy right.

Speaker 2:

Fear restricts the brain's capacity to think Absolutely, put you into that reactionary mode. And then when they tell you the only solution is this, when they've never guessed right on the flu vaccine ever, I've known two people that die getting the flu vaccine. So they they get the vaccine. They never leave the hospital. It's got to be the flu vaccine. What's causing it. Why do we need that? And it's not even the right one. Oh, you didn't guess right.

Speaker 2:

I remember four years ago I went in because I had a flu. I got something like that and I went in and the person sitting there now I didn't take the flu vaccine, but I know better than to tell the medical people because they want to jab me. I said, no, I've taken it. They go, we have all had it too and we all had the flu and I'm going. Then why the heck did you take the flu vaccine?

Speaker 2:

It's amazing to me how people don't think these things don't work. Your body, you have a incredible when you all you have to do is research. Like Wim Hof, the guy who does the breathing exercises put poison in his body and he breathes it out. I'd rather focus on that than letting them put a poison in my body and thinking it's going to somehow cause me to respond better later in too many people that have a compromised immune system and they don't realize we have something called the psycho immune system. The psycho immune system we have a thinking immune system.

Speaker 2:

So most people right now in our area here in North Carolina we're being hit by the fall Allergy Right. So when you go to the news channel or the weather channel they're going to tell you how the elegance are high or low and whatever. They found out when they started doing that they sold 40% more of this of their of their medicine because they're triggering it. It's psychosomatic. All you have to do. They show people. They show people the virus and they show it big. This is a microscopic. You can't even see it really under a real, true microscope you have to use like electron microscope, but they show you the things as big as the television and then you start thinking it's the fear again and of course, fear and sex cells. So they're going to keep using those things. And what I love most is most people never listen to the bad things because they have the person on the screen skipping and smiling and having a great time laughing while they're telling you that your insides are going to drop out the next time you go to the bathroom.

Speaker 1:

Oh, it's so true, and so I think, now more than ever, we need to understand that we can overcome this fear, and that's why I love your technology. It is just, it's so usable again. Anybody watching you can see this little visor. It's so easy to use and there are how many different, different programs are in there.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we have over 2000. We usually add anywhere between 20 or 30 more every month, just depends on the month. But there's, the library keeps expanding because people keep coming up with creative ideas and how to use the technology and we keep making new ones. So there's and that has to do with neuroplasticity too you need to be listening to new and different things and not just listening to the same things all the time, because the brain, like when people go I listened to these, these things on the internet, I go, well, that's good, but they're usually only good for two or three times and then the brain considers them wallpaper. Part of neuroplasticity is we have to challenge the brain and it has to be something that can be repeated. So it's like working out at the gym or something. You can go randomly and go to the gym every once in a while. You don't really get that great results, but if you go consistently and you're on a program where you're building your upper body or lower body, those kinds of things, you're going to see the end result.

Speaker 1:

It's just like. I know I have about a 20 minute ride to work and sometimes I'm like, how did I even get here? But my, I've done it so many times I don't even have to be conscious of it, right? So the same thing, if we want to have those positive changes like anything, if you just your fitness exercise was just running all the time or walking after a certain time, you're not getting as much benefit because you're about to get used to it, right? So you've got to change it up.

Speaker 1:

And that's what another part of your technology is the little heart rate variability software that you have, which is any of you have heard of heart rate variability. What we want to have is high heart rate variability, meaning our heart rate is changing. So we think, no, it's supposed to be a constant beat. But our heart isn't really constant. It changes all the time, and the more variability we have, the healthier we can be. So that means when we see that bear coming at us, our heart rate will raise and we can, can you know, run away from it.

Speaker 1:

We have to be able to have that adaptability Right. So same thing even with nutrition. If you're always having the same thing all the time, you're going to lack certain nutrients. So we need to have that variability, because you never know what the environment is going to throw at us. So same thing with the brain. We want to have that variability, we want the brain to be able to react. So when we have a stressful situation, we're able to, you know, deal with that without having so much of that physiological problems that that prevents us from healing too much. And just in our environment today, we're in sympathetic too much. So so tell us a little bit how, like if we were to get a brain tap headset, how would we? How would we use that on a daily basis? What is recommended?

Speaker 2:

Well, at least once a day is good, but you can listen to it up to three times a day, so, depending upon what you want to do. A lot of people use it for sleep, and actually sleep starts in the morning. So we have these early morning sessions that use a brainwave called SMR sensory motor rhythm, and this is what we need to wake up the brain. It triggers neuropronephrine dopamine and those kinds of things that we need to basically wake up our body, which would happen naturally in nature. So we're retraining the brain to wake up in the morning and then in the afternoon. A lot of our studies, like the study we did with the one percenters at Google with Julia, aren't. We showed that if they did a 20 minute session in the middle of the afternoon, they improve their. These were the one percenters. They improved 19%. They also improved their happiness score by 43% and their depression score by 70%. These they were burning out. They didn't even know it, but that afternoon break is a really good time.

Speaker 2:

And then, of course, we have our sleep, our X program, which is our sleeping program, which has got most of the press out there, because the biggest side effect using brain tap is having deeper, deeper sleep, which is what we need to detox our brain.

Speaker 2:

Our brain only goes into the deep. There's a system called the gliolymphomax system, which is the lymph system of the brain, which before 2015,. They didn't know we had, but they found out about it and they said hey, why isn't this all the time active? It's the same way. We don't get nutrients into the brain unless it passes the blood brain barrier. Unless we're in this level four, sleep, our brain doesn't open up in detox, so that's part of what we're doing is we're getting them into that deeper level. We're offloading the stress faster so they can get back into those rhythms of sleep that they need to detox the brain at night. So those are the three times we've had results, with people listening as little as one time a week, but to get maximum results, like our study that I've talked about earlier, most of our studies are three times a day, but if you can listen to it at least once a day, you're going to see some significant changes.

Speaker 1:

And so tell me a little bit about people who suffer from anxiety. How does this work? Do you have to listen to a specific program? Does it have to be about a specific thing, or what are the different programs around that?

Speaker 2:

You don't. But we have a program called stress free me that a lot of people do. We also have a new program called overcoming overwhelm, which we developed since COVID, because a lot of people are getting overwhelmed and the whole thing is what we find is that it's a lot of anticipatory stress. Deepak Chopra said 97% of what's going to happen tomorrow you know about today, but a lot of people don't make any changes to it. And then they arrive tomorrow and they go. I can't believe this is happening. The brain goes. What do you mean? You were here, you planned it, but this is your lifestyle. So we talk about changing lifestyles, but we also give very specific techniques to use. When you think about anxiety, stress, depression, all of the mental disorders, there's one thing that's always in common is lack of breath. Even anger, depression, they all lack breathing. So part of what we're teaching people during these sessions is the deep breathing techniques that are necessary to get the brain to regulate, because your breath is going to regulate your heart rate variability, like you talked about earlier.

Speaker 2:

It's going to regulate brain function and we've all had little kids. If you, even if you don't have any yourself, when a little child comes running up and they're angry if you say, just take a breath, take a breath, they get angrier because they know as soon as they take a breath they're not gonna be angry anymore and they don't let go of that anger. So we teach people to breathe through that anger, breathe through those negative emotional states and return back to that equanimity that is part of our nature.

Speaker 1:

I think we often we've talked about that on the pad podcast before the breathing. It's the most overlooked tool and it's absolutely free, but none of us. That's not something we're taught in school, right, maybe some of the school. Now they're trying to talk about social, emotional learning and breathing, since we recognize how important it is, but it's not as common. And you mentioned little kids, so you actually, I think again, as children, if we can wire the brains to work properly, then they're gonna grow up to be adults who are able to deal with anxiety better too. So what? What do your programs for children help with?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, well, we have a lot of programs for children. We have 43 different sessions for them we deal with basically. There's one called flying, the kind of kindness, if they're, if they have anger issues, and and being disruptive. We have one's one that says your parents magically know what's best, and then we, and then we have. We we have a lot of them have to do with building positive values, but we don't tell them what those values are. We don't change their belief system, but what we do is we tell stories to them. So there's stories with meanings. They call them metaphors and in psychology so these metaphors could be they meet a caterpillar and the caterpillar is not understanding how it's going to change. And then it, then it learns that it changes and it's changing for the better, because that's design, that everything happens by design and in life will work itself out. So we're just trying to teach them. Basically, what I'm trying to even teach adults is that we don't.

Speaker 2:

A lot of people are never taught how to think.

Speaker 2:

They're taught what to think, and we want to teach the kids how to think. How can they make a rational decision, how can they make one that's in their best interest of themselves and in their community and their family without being told what to think. So right now we're in a culture where everybody's being told what to think and if you don't think like everybody else, there must be something wrong with you. Well, that's not a really good way for a community. We have a community because we all have our own kind of sense of values and where we're going to go now we align those values with our friends and our family, hopefully, and we live those positive lives. But a lot of times kids don't realize that what stress is. Even so, they start to misinterpret that stress and they start to project that stress onto their parents or their teachers or their brothers and sisters, and then they start building those negative relationships where we really want them to just be open and receptive to having those positive changes so in the, in the headset, we have sounds.

Speaker 1:

So tell me, how do? How are these sounds affecting our brain? And then the light. What's the difference and why is it better together?

Speaker 2:

right. So we let's start with sound. We have isochronic tones. This is a. You don't have to wear earphones to use a isochronic tone. The planet itself is an isochronic tone.

Speaker 2:

So if you and I were flying toward earth in your spaceship and we were to measure the frequencies of the planet, we would notice that our planet has frequencies of point zero point five, two, one hundred. These are called earth frequencies. So if we're near the ocean, it's ten hertz. If we're near, if we're near the, if we're near the mountains, at seven point eight Hertz. These are all frequencies that we get to generate and so the when we talk about how the body responds to those, those sounds get presented into the ears and then the what happens is the body, the cells, those mirror neurons resonate to that frequency and the brain matches it. Now we we mirror that also with ice, with what we call binaural beats. Now, to get a ten Hertz frequency, like the ocean I was just talking about, we put a 300 Hertz frequency in one ear and a 310 in the other. The brain doesn't hear either of those three hundreds, it only hears the ten Hertz. They call it a phantom sound, and this is the way we do with every sound. Actually. So, spatially, what we're doing is we're creating a space, a spatial experience where people start to feel the, the sensations and feelings like they're near the ocean or near the, near the mountains. And while they're doing that there, what's happening? As the, the body is mirroring that experience, because everybody knows what that feels like. Our body intuitively knows so. When we're at ten Hertz, we start to build alpha frequencies and we start to release acetylcholine and all these different neurochemicals. And then, when we're in theta, we develop GABA and we start to develop those neurochemicals. Now, together we're going, we're oscillating through each of these different brainwave frequencies. So there's 54 different neurotransmitters. But what we're doing is we're building up your neurotransmitter bank account.

Speaker 2:

Now, sound is very effective, but what we found was when we added light to the equation and we're doing the same things, but biocular, not binaural. So we're doing it through the eyes. Those are, those are off phase, but you can't really tell with the eyes in fact, when, when the brain's balanced, you don't even see the light at all. A lot of people open their eyes and go where'd the light go? Oh, it's still there. It's because the brain will cancel out the light once you get to those free winter matching that frequency.

Speaker 2:

So everything the sounds doing like if it's doing it in the right ear is doing it in the left eye, because they call it cross lateral training. So we're training the brain to build more neuroplasticity. And when, when you close your eyes alone, without using the brain tap headset, we know that about 30% of your brain circuits shut down because your brain thinks you're getting ready for sleep. So when you that's why if we're watching a scary movie and we close our eyes, it goes just a movie, just a movie then our brain will, our frontal lobe will shut down and say okay, stop thinking that's real. It's not real. You're not Freddy Krueger, you're not being chased by Freddy Krueger, but whatever's going on and so, but together these two there's. It's not one plus one equals two. What we find is one plus one equals like six.

Speaker 2:

The amplification effect is so great. And then we add in frequencies like no-j frequencies. Those lights in the ears are actually every two minutes changing to another no-j frequency. And this is something with iridology. So we talked about dentistry being a key. There's iridology, which is looking at the eyes. There's also iridology. There's different regular points in the ears that correspond to the different meridians in the body. So what we've done through photo, by a modulation, is we're going to bathe the ear with light and it's going to move through those meridians.

Speaker 2:

And we actually developed a piece of technology with the help of our Russian and Ukraine partners, who own the patents on this, and we can show the energy increase in the body, because our body to really think about our body is to think we are every cell has an energy battery. They call it a chroma form, and that chroma form absorbs energy in the form of light, sound and vibration. So when we're using brain tap, we're using what the body does naturally. So if we were to go to the ocean and sit by the ocean, we would naturally sink to the ocean frequency that's called frequency following response. So we're just.

Speaker 2:

That's why I think we're so popular in the biohacking world or in the health optimization world is we can. You don't have to go to the ocean. You can put a theta session on or an SMR session on and your body will feel like it's at the ocean. Or, if you want to go to, if you want to have a mountain top experience, you can put on one of the theta sessions, which about 90% of our sessions are theta, because that's what we find most adults are missing is the theta brain wave. They have either an inordinate amount of alpha or no alpha, depending upon. There's doesn't seem to be a lot of balance out there in a high degree of delta activity, which tells us there's a lot of inflammation in the body.

Speaker 1:

Which is interesting, because I've had the headset for a couple of years but just got the new software so I can check the HRV. So this is it's amazing how much so what we're looking at with this software. We put little kind of clasps on the wrist. It's detecting your heart rate, right, so it does about 300 beats and then it can really evaluate how the balance of your nervous system is. We've talked about parasympathetic nerve and the sympathetic. Ideally we should spend about 80% of our time in the parasympathetic, but in our modern world we're pretty much reversed right, we're too much sympathetic.

Speaker 1:

All most of us are very inflamed, even children today, so in our energy levels are zapped right Because of all the toxins, both emotional and physical, and you can see on these screens and it's a really interesting way, so we can do this before we do a brain tap session, or I have a chiropractor in my office too, so we did this the other day where before and then I had an adjustment and it was amazing. It's a simple 10 minute adjustment. Everything lines back up, and she always used to tell us and would tell my kids I'm turning your power back on. It didn't really mean much to me, but then you see it right on the screen like, oh my gosh, look at the, look at the difference and how much you turn the power. And the same thing. You listen to these and some of them are great. They're 10 minutes, anywhere from 10 minutes to 40 minutes. Right, so there's a big. Some people say I don't have time for that. Well, we all have the 10 minutes.

Speaker 1:

What is your priority? Do you want to have a well functioning brain? Do you want to get through your day easily? Do you want to have less anxiety? Do you want to sleep better?

Speaker 1:

When we really prioritize these things of health is important to you. I think this is a no brainer, is something so easy. You don't have to think about it, it does the thinking for you. And it's just what you said is what biologic dentistry is all about, or supporting your body's ability to do what it's supposed to do, to work, Because the body is this amazing machine and it knows how to heal from anything.

Speaker 1:

If we we remove the burdens right and we give it the proper nutrition, including all the right brain patterns, because you could be taking all the supplements you want, but if your nervous system is in balance, if your parasympathetic isn't turning on, it's not going to matter. You're not going to be absorbing any of these things. So it's really really important. I think anybody who's just trying to be well, if you don't pay attention to the way your brain is balanced, the way your thoughts are, that again doesn't matter how well you're eating or how much you're exercising. This is really crucial and why I wanted to have you on to really highlight how important this this proper brain functioning is right.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, awesome, yeah, true.

Speaker 1:

And so tell us a little bit more so we know we have a really good sleep. We've got one for kids. We've got anxiety. There's some for people who want to, like you said, talk about the one percenters. Right, You're wanting to achieve something. What are some of the other bundles that we find in there?

Speaker 2:

I think the main ones are, which I'll go through is one is weight loss.

Speaker 1:

No, yes.

Speaker 2:

Because most people don't understand how the liver works. The liver is housing 25 grams of sugar just waiting for a tiger to show up so it can pump it into the bloodstream and you can run away safely. But it doesn't know the difference between that bad telephone call or that traffic stressor and the tiger. So a lot of people our bodies designed to have that response maybe two or three times a week. Now they say most people have it before breakfast. So, especially with social media and in the news today, so we want to really down-regulate that stressor and that's one of the main things with our weight loss program. It's not always what you're eating, it's what's eating you, and so we have over 200 sessions for weight loss that are very specific. If you have a diet saboteur that's causing you problems like maybe at work somebody's got the candy jar and they're always pushing it on you we teach you how to become more assertive and just say no, it sounds easy on the surface but you got to rehearse it. There's a saying you get what you rehearse, not what you intend. So we intention the road to hell is paved with them. So we need to get our brain and body to work to rehearse those.

Speaker 2:

I think that one of the next biggest ones because we have a lot of chiropractors in medical clinics is pain control. Pain really only happens in the brain. It sends a signal to the brain from the body saying, hey, there's something wrong, we have a cavity here. But the reality is, the brain is processed through the brain, so those people that have the higher degree of beta activity have the most pain. Those people that don't, they don't have very much pain, so we can teach people. Now, we don't want to take away the pain signal, because it's very important to the body, but we want to be able to know that, like when you're talking about almost phantom pain, I've worked with a lot of people that were missing limbs, but they still had pain in those limbs even though they didn't have the limb anymore, because it was happening in the brain. They call it phantom pain, so that's one of them.

Speaker 2:

We also find that, just in general, people dealing with life improvement, we have a whole series called Life Mastery, because people just want to maximize their results in doing that, and then we have a whole group of people like thousands of people using it that are their health optimization experts or biohackers they call themselves or something, and these people use it because we can measure. They can measure the changes, the physiological changes that they make. They don't all have our neuro check but they all have little devices that can measure them during sleep and things like that, like the oar ring or bio strap or whoop or something like that. So we're, but we have, like mind over menopause. We have stress-free childbirth, stress-free dentistry.

Speaker 2:

There's 47 different kind of business genres, if you will, that our doctors use, that people can come in for, and but most doctors will choose three or four of those and that becomes their brain tap specialty, if you will. They don't because it's so much, but, like in a women's center, they'll do the mind over menopause and stress-free childbirth and stress reduction and maybe weight loss, and those would be the only ones they'll do. But when you buy the app, if you get the app, you can try them all out, see what you need. You can. We even have ones for overcoming phobias and things like that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's very exciting and so, and just so people know it's not, you don't have to go to a doctor's office to get the brain Tap. This is, as I said, I bought mine during the lockdown and I had it at home and I've been playing with it for for a couple years. And I was just recently at the naturopathic convention in Vegas and brain Tap was there and that's where I looked at the neuro check, because in my clinical practice it's it's as a scientist. I always like to see what's what's going on. So, as I was saying, but the the neuro check, being scientists, I would like to be able to record and see how much things are improving. So it's really exciting for me to see how much of an impact that, just again, simple 10 minute sessions can really make a huge, huge impact. So, yeah, it's pretty great. So I greatly appreciate your technology so much. So, as we wind down here, is there anything else you want to leave our viewers with listeners, are you?

Speaker 2:

gonna share with them, your your link, so that they want to try it.

Speaker 2:

Absolutely. One of the things I always encourage people to do is you don't have to believe what we're saying here on the call. You can download the app for 14 days. Even though you don't have the headset, you can still get really good results at a conference like what you went to it like the AMA it was a different captain that but we did a. We did.

Speaker 2:

It was a kind of practice convention and we asked anybody who is having trouble sleeping like the night before to come down. We signed them up on the app and we said tonight we want you to Arrach your sleep and they we found out that they had a 90% improvement. 90% of them said that they had their best night sleep, even being in a hotel room. So sleep is a big problem. Two-thirds of the world isn't sleeping, so that's a big thing. You'll also find that some people will just find that their stress levels are lower. Now, if you don't have a way to measure it, then you have to rely on your own Intuition and your own body's awareness, body awareness. But if they're near you, obviously they could schedule a time to come in and get one of those Neurochics it's always nice to see. I always love when people say my body's great, I'm doing wonderful, and then I do a neuro check with them. I said, well, what's going on here? And then we, we give them a few little tweaks and they come back three weeks later and they see this massive improvement. They go what just happened? I said, well, the nervous system changes every 72 hours.

Speaker 2:

We need to be doing something to improve that nervous system and I think the the main thing is is to just know that there are solutions out there for brain health. I know of no ancient technology or ancient culture that kept their wisdom with the youngsters. I've ever. They always say the elders right, the the? The wisdom is held with the elders of the tribe, not with the young people. So that must mean that our brains are designed to thrive even into older age. Whatever that age is in, the brain is like the liver. It can rebuild itself, but we need, it needs light. Light is one of the most under prescribed nutrients on earth, so we need that light, sound and vibration to get it to work. And if you have anyone, you know that suffering from anxiety, stress, any disorder that you think is dealing with the nervous system, like dementia.

Speaker 2:

Download the app, see if you can. Some people start to see results within that 14-day window of the free time, and so this could be an easy solution and timing wise. The average person hits their snooze button three times before they get out of bed, so set a hit in this news button. Reach over, grab your brain tap, do your 10-minute session. You'll wake up with energy, and then at night, you don't even have to take time out. You can just put on your earbuds or put on your brain tap, put it right on right before you go to sleep. So no time there. So you can always get one or two sessions in without taking any time at all, and it will optimize your sleep and it will optimize your morning. We call it digital coffee for a reason it will. It will get you up and going with with motivation and drive.

Speaker 1:

I think it's so true because when you start your day in the right mindset, in the right balance of the nervous system, it's just the whole day just proceeds that much more smoothly. I've noticed a huge difference with that. Anytime I do any kind of energy work qigong, meditation, all of that you're just, you're setting your day up for how you want to go. Like you said, we rehearse your day before it happens. So I think that's a big game changer. I've got a few more minutes here. I just want to go back to. You talked about the liver. I talked about that a lot. I think that's a very most doctors are not talking about that enough, and so you mentioned that. With with the weight loss too, how and that's our big detox organ, right, but we don't have good medical tests that really will show when your liver isn't functioning. But again, a lot of that time the diabetes, all that has to do with the liver not being supported. So with the weight loss, how is that affecting the whole liver system there?

Speaker 2:

Well, what? What happens when you have a load on the liver? Basically, it's going to disrupt everything from hormones to to the nervous system, to it. Basically, most people realize it, but the part of that gut brain connection is thought is the liver. And when the liver gets out of whack, when it's not functioning the way it was intended because we're over, we're abusing it really, Then you're not going to lose weight. And one thing is that the in order to lose weight in fat that's what we want to lose, not muscle we need to be able to multiply and get rid of fat. That's going to happen through the liver.

Speaker 2:

So if your liver is not functioning right because it's stressed out or has fatty liver now because of stress, in things of that nature, we need to, of course, work with the doctor, whoever you're working with, but get on some kind of liver cleanse if that's the case.

Speaker 2:

But the first thing you can do to cleanse your liver is get rid of your stress, because if every, if once an hour, you're getting stressed out, or even more than that they say the average person looks at their phone 300 times a day.

Speaker 2:

So how many times is that stressful and what is your attitude if you look at life as a series of challenges rather than a series of threats, you're going to be much better off. But if you're the type of person that looks at life as a threat, because you watch the news all the time and you believe what they're telling you, then in In nothing is good, there's no. They have to scour the whole planet to get us enough bad news to fill an hour. You could get in. You could get that for your neighborhood of good news. So focus on the good news. Be aware of the bad news, but, but focus on the good news because that's what's going to keep you healthy and plan your life around that, because there's not that much bad news and if we took back control of our health, we wouldn't have to worry about all these other things.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's amazing. So, as we've talked about in the last 45 minutes or so, we know how this brain tap, this wonderful technology that's, can help relieve our stress, helps us sleep better, can help us lose weight. There's just so many help our children, help our children develop a nice, balanced nervous system, so they don't get to the point where we are right. So, again, and and as that quarter just said, ten minutes in the morning, lunch break, right, and and before you go to bed, it's not adding a lot. And that anytime you try to change a habit or something, that's what's always is from oh, it's just one more thing I need to do, but a lot of these things just come right into our daily habits.

Speaker 1:

So, and we will provide a link for you to be able to give this a try if you're in our area, we have the, the neural check and the brain tap headsets in the office, so welcome to come, come by and try them out. And Again, I want to thank you so much, dr Port. I know you're a very, very busy man and I appreciate so much of taking time out of your Friday afternoon to come and Educate all of us and I hope we can all benefit from your technology. So thank you for help changing the world for the better.

Speaker 2:

All right, well, thanks for having me and good luck out there. Remember you're far greater than you've been led to believe. Just start using, using that capacity.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely, and if there's a website that people can learn a little bit more about brain tap, I.

Speaker 2:

Think you should give them your your life? Okay, okay, give them that link and they'll get to brain tap. And, of course, if they want to see more videos about me, just put in at dr Patrick Porter and they'll see my YouTube channel and there's hundreds of videos there they can look at watches.

Speaker 1:

Yes, there's lots of good stuff on there. All right, everyone. Well, until the next episode, have a wonderful day. We'll see you next time, you.