The Root of The Matter

Decoding Human Physiology with Dr. Tom Cowan

Dr. Rachaele Carver, D.M.D. Board-Certified, Biologic, Naturopathic Dentist Season 1 Episode 13

Welcome to another deep exploration of the mysterious and amazing wonders of the human body with holistic general medicine practitioner, Dr. Tom Cowan. This episode will shed light on the little-known fourth phase of water - the structured or coherent phase. We discuss why this phase is vital for proper hydration and overall health. Dr. Cowan also enlightens us on how mainstream science often falls short in understanding the true complexity of human physiology.

The conversation bravely ventures into the intriguing topic of how our bodies use structured water in its fight against disease. Dr. Cowan explains how measuring the bond angles of water could potentially detect cancer, and how an orthopedic doctor can diagnose osteoarthritis. We tackle the often-misunderstood purpose of fever, learning how it reconstitutes a better gel, devoid of the toxins causing the illness. We also dare to question the mainstream narrative around suppressing the body's natural healing process, confronting the dangers of accumulating toxins and microbes that can lead to severe illnesses like cancer.

As we near the end of this enlightening episode, we discuss the role of light in assessing the quality of a living organism. Dr. Cowan helps us understand why healthier organisms emit a higher intensity and more diverse range of wavelengths. We also cover how we can use light measurements to reveal the quality of a living organism, without any invasive measures. We end this enlightening journey by tying our knowledge of the quality of living organisms to making better decisions about the food we consume. Come with us on this fascinating journey of health, water, and light.

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Disclaimer: This podcast is for educational purposes only. Information discussed is not intended for diagnosis, curing, or prevention of any disease and is not intended to replace advice given by a licensed healthcare practitioner. Before using any products mentioned or attempting methods discussed, please speak with a licensed healthcare provider. This podcast disclaims responsibility from any possible adverse reactions associated with products or methods discussed. Opinions from guests are their own, and this podcast does not condone or endorse opinions made by guests. We do not provide guarantees about the guests' qualifications or credibility. This podcast and its guests may have direct or indirect financial interests associated with products mentioned.

Dr. Carver :

Hello everyone and welcome back. It's me, dr Rachel Carver, on another episode of the Root of the Matter podcast Today. I'm very excited to have Dr Tom Cowan with us, very, very honored. I first learned about Dr Cowan in 2020 when I was sitting around twiddling my thumbs, had nothing to do and was listening to a lot of summits, and Dr Cowan was talking to Dr Christine Schaffner and he was talking a lot about water and I found his subject really fascinating.

Dr. Carver :

Dr Cowan spent time as an ER doctor at the beginning of his career and told the story about. I didn't understand how, when people were brought into the ER, they'd be all cut up and bayoneted, as he said. And why wasn't water? It's the blood coming on the floor, but why, if we're 80%, 70% water, why wasn't water H2O as we know of it flooding on to the floor? So I thought that was a really interesting concept. So we're going to talk a lot about that today, because I think the vast majority of us are not hydrated and dehydration is a major source of chronic disease and inflammation, and I think it's important that we understand the proper way to be hydrated, how water really works in our body, the different types of water now. So much water is very polluted. So it's important to kind of understand a little bit of this and a little bit more about Dr Cowan.

Dr. Carver :

He practiced medicine from 1985 to 2019 on general medicine practitioner. He's kind of known for being an alternative or holistic practitioner, which I've never really liked. That term alternative, right, I mean the way that I think those of us who are more holistic minded, we're really thinking about the whole body, right, and it's more than just the sum of its part. It's talked a lot about energy and we're still learning, and I think the important thing to understand is, you know, mainstream science is kind of failing us these days. We're sicker than ever, so it's really important to understand some of these concepts. So, dr Cowan, thank you so much for coming on today. Why don't you tell us a little bit about that experience with the water and the ER and all that?

Dr. Cowan:

Okay, thank you, and please call me Tom, that's better. So you know my career and not that I planned on this or intended for this. It's interesting that your podcast called the root of the matter Because, again, sort of unexpectedly, I was ended up looking into or questioning the foundations of what we call today science and to my surprise, I found that most of them were actually monsterably incorrect, like the very foundations of what we call science. And so water is a good example of that, and the reason it's a good example of that is because and I don't even know what grade we sort of learned this, but it's pretty early, like, I'd say, third grade or fourth or second that matter exists in three forms Solid, liquid and gas. And that's it. There's no intermediate stages, there's no fourth phase, there's no fifth phase. You know, if you got copper, there's solid copper, can be with, mixed with other things. There's molten or liquid copper and then at really high temperatures or pressure, you can make it into a gas. So that's with copper, that's with lead, that's with water. There's ice, solid liquid water that's like water, water, bulk water, liquid water and steam, and these are very well recognized phases that you can measure with bond angles and the density of the molecules. So there's nothing sort of fishy about those phases. They're very easy to demonstrate. And so that's it Now, in that way of looking at the world, right? So that's like the scientific facts.

Dr. Cowan:

If I was to ask you, so Jell-O? Right, everybody knows Jell-O 97% water. That's what you can measure there. There's no doubt about that. So which phase is Jell-O? It's ice? Well, no, it's not ice. Clearly the bond angles aren't ice. It doesn't look like ice, nothing. Okay, it's water? Well, it's not steam? Right, because obviously it's not steam. So it's water. So water has certain properties and certain bond angles and you can make it flow and all the things we know about water, and none of those apply to Jell-O. It's a different phase of water. You know it has different names. Some people call it structured or coherent. Gerald Pollock, who's a friend of mine, who's done most of the research on this, who's proven there's different bond angles and different properties, different pH, different voltage, different electric currency.

Dr. Cowan:

This Jell-O phase, this structured or easy exclusion zone water, he calls it, is a fourth phase of water, and so that's obvious and clear, even though 99% of the so-called scientists say it doesn't exist. That's a delusion. I mean, I don't know what else to call it, they're just deluded. So the reason that's important is because we're told, as you pointed out, that our cells so we have supposedly we're made of cells and what we really are is made of tissue. And in that tissue, like your liver, you can see it, you can do it a molecular analysis, and 70% plus percent is water. Now in your brain it's almost 80%. So the question is, which phase is it in? Well, it's not ice, right, because that doesn't work. It's not steam, so it's got to be bulk water, according to normal science.

Dr. Cowan:

So there I am, an ER doctor, somebody had his thing stuck in his liver, you'd think. First of all, you'd think you'd feel it's like squishing around, like a bag of water, like a balloon, like with a membrane around it, and you don't feel that, right, so you don't have that experience at all. So that's interesting, because now you're supposed to believe something is true which is directly counter to your direct experience, right, Doesn't feel like that at all. And then, second of all, you stick a needle in it, or a pin or anywhere, and you never see water come out. Now you think about jello. You stick a needle in jello and nothing squirts out. Why? Because it's held in some sort of bond configuration that doesn't flow. So it turns out and many people have demonstrated this May Wan Ho and Gilbert Ling and Pollock, and over and over again that all of the water right Now we're not talking about liquid water All of the so-called H2O is not liquid water but is in this crystalline, mesomorphic there's a lot of different words for it structured, coherent phase, and the healthier you are is the more perfect your crystalline structure is. That's as close to a definition of health as you can get, and that phenomena explains 90% of so-called natural or historic medicine.

Dr. Cowan:

And let me tell you another thing If you say to a normal doctor, or let's say, an oncologist, or let's say an orthopedic doctor, right, bone doctor, you go to your doctor, and I would encourage everybody listening to do this. Say, let's start with oncology. Cancer doctor, cancer doctor. I heard this guy Cowan. He sounded like an idiot to me, but anyway he's a doctor, so maybe he knows something. He said that the problem with cancer is my normal tissue. Water is becoming either too hardened like instead of a gel it's like a hard mass, or it's becoming liquid water, and that's the reason why I have cancer. Is there any truth to that? You say that Cowan is an idiot. Yeah, it's got. Water has nothing to do with cancer.

Dr. Cowan:

Okay, well, I got this thing here. Can you tell me whether I have cancer or not? Sure, we're good to do an MRI, and that'll. We'll do this tattoo an MRI. It's like an X-ray. We're going to see whether you have cancer. Okay, what is an MRI measure? It's measuring whether you have cancer or not. No, no, I'm not measuring whether I have cancer. It's measuring something. What's it measuring? I don't know. What do you mean? You don't know. You're in college. You do this test 20 times a day. You got to know what it's measuring. I don't know what it's measuring. Here's what it's measuring. It's measuring the bond angles of the water Period. It's measuring what phase your liver water is in. And if your liver water is in the wrong phase, they tell you that the software integrates that into a picture and says you got cancer. And so, even though he doesn't know, or she doesn't know, that she's measuring your water phase and that's going to determine whether you have cancer or not, according to her test. She doesn't know that, and so that's the irony of this situation.

Dr. Cowan:

And now we go to an orthopedic doctor. I know I'm going on here, but you go to an orthopedic doctor. You say I got this swollen knee. So what's the problem? Well, the bursa, which is a normal crystalline structure, no cells, it's just a gel. Gels, interesting, are always negatively charged. So you get two gels next to each other. They repel and make your knee move normally, freely, like two magnets. You know that would be negatively charged, they would have smooth movement. Well, something happened to your gel. It disintegrated and so it now becomes bulk water, like liquid water, like a puddle and there's no charge. So it sticks together and that hurts and grinds down the you know the bursa and then the cartilage. And then you got bone on bone and you take an X-ray and you don't see, or an MRI and you don't see any, any gel there. So what happened? You became a puddle and that's why that's what we call osteoarthritis.

Dr. Cowan:

And then just one more example I tell I ask people okay, you got this Jell-O in your like, your bronchial tubes are gel. If somebody puts a poison grape in your Jell-O Now I'm talking about Jell-O how are you going to get it out? So they put a poison stuff in your lung gel. How are you going to get it out? Well, you could get a scooper right, like with Jell-O, and scoop it out. But it's hard to put a scooper down in your lungs and get it out, because we don't really have scoopers like that. So what I would do is heat the Jell-O off, right, I would melt it and then it would run and the poison grapes would run out, and then I would reconstitute a better Jell without the poison grape.

Dr. Cowan:

Now you think about what does the body do that we erroneously call bronchitis or pneumonia. You take a Jell, you put some stuff in there, like stuff in the air and ashes and cigarette smoke and bad food and all kinds of stuff, and you got a poison gel. So you heat it up, that's called a fever. Then you make it run that's called mucus and then you cough to get it out that's called a cough. That whole thing is called pneumonia or bronchitis, and that's to make you better.

Dr. Cowan:

Now the doctors, like always, are confused and think you're sick. They think you have a disease called pneumonia, but you don't. You have a therapeutic strategy to get crap out of your lungs and so they give you medicines called anti-life medicines, otherwise known as antibiotics, to keep the debris in your lungs. That's a great strategy and it works. So you keep the debris in your lungs, you stop coughing because you can't get it out, and then you do that twice a year for 30 years because you smoke all the time, and now you've got a big old pile of debris in your lungs which is called lung cancer. And they say how do I get lung cancer? Well, you must have smoked, and you know that's what happened. Even somebody stopped you from getting the smoke out of your lungs. So this whole thing is the integrity of your water, and if you've got poison crap in it, you know you're going to have to get it out or it's going to deteriorate the quality of the gel and that is what we call disease.

Dr. Carver :

So this is a super, super important point. I want everybody to think about what he just said, especially when he talked about the gel. How do we get the poison out of our body? Because many of you have heard me talk before and I really believe a lot of disease comes down to this toxicity, these infections that are suppressed and we keep pushing them with modern medicine. We push these toxins and microbes and whatever deeper down into the tissues right until they become maybe cancer or something like that.

Dr. Carver :

So a fever is a very important part of the body's ability to get things out. This is our body's natural way to heal. So when we are constantly worried, oh my gosh, the temperature is 101. My father just had some weird tick-borne thing and his fever was really high and my mom's rushing at him with 1,000 milligrams of Tylenol and I kept screaming at her saying stop. How do you think he's going to get better if we don't let the body do what it's supposed to do? And people get so worried, but especially for kids. My mother used to get so upset with me when my kids would be sick and I would refuse the Tylenol and my kids would get better within 24 hours, and I think that's the issue Again when you do the drugs, you suppress and that flu, or whatever you want to call it, is going to linger a lot longer and have better, bigger consequences.

Dr. Carver :

I got a spider bite a couple of years ago. Right, it was huge and my leg really started to swell and I was like, but I didn't want to go to the ER because I knew they were just going to give me antibiotics and steroids and, yes, that probably would have made the swelling go down faster. But I was just going to suppress that toxin or poison right Deeper into my tissues and so I just treated it with ozone and essential oils and it took only two to three weeks to completely go away. But it went away without me suppressing. I let the body naturally kind of heal it up and I think that we're in this society today we're so worried that we immediately have to treat a symptom and we have to remember that we really want to respect the body's ability to heal.

Dr. Cowan:

Yeah, I mean to be clear. There is no medical, scientific evidence that the fever hurts anybody, ever, no matter how high it is. That is very clear. That's why they use hyperthermia treatment for cancer. That's why they use, you know, coli's toxins, which is basically a way of bringing on a fever. That's what sweat lodges and saunas were all about for decades and centuries. There is no evidence and I would challenge anybody to send me a paper that the fever itself caused a problem. There is no evidence for that.

Dr. Cowan:

And then the bacteria they come. If you don't allow the body to get it out right Usually it's the fever then it melts the dals and then it runs and then you cough or ooze it out. If that doesn't happen, the next line of defense is the bacteria, which are always there. Their role in nature is to digest debris. So you have some toxin from a spider that's digesting your tissue and killing it and the bacteria come. Just like if you kill the tree and left it there, you get bacteria and fungus to bioremediate, biodegrade the tree. So it does that in your leg. That is not an infection, that is bioremediation. There is no evidence that just putting bacteria there and exposing anybody to bacteria in a normal way causes disease. That's not their role in nature. Their role is to biodegrade dead and dying tissue. Now, if you kill them, that bio-remediation process and the symptoms may go away temporarily. But now, as you said, you're going to be left with dead and dying revitalized tissue and you will pay for that at some point.

Dr. Carver :

That reminds me of a study I read on one time about breast cancer, and they had discovered this certain type of bacteria that was present in all these women with breast cancer. But when they did a deeper dive and looked at it quantitatively, they saw that the women who had the higher amounts of the bacteria actually did better, and so that's exactly why right that the bacteria aren't there at the cause, but they're trying to clean up the toxicity there.

Dr. Carver :

So that's really really fascinating to think about, and especially in today's age where antibiotics will give them out like candy and they definitely they have a place, I could say. But again, if doctors and everybody really understood what was happening and we got at the root of the real issue, which is all these poisons, that we're doing too much to suppress our body's natural ability instead of supporting it. And we see this in the dental world also too. We're always about killing the bad oral bacteria, as we were talking out before. We have so-called bad bacteria.

Dr. Carver :

As we were talking earlier and saying, there's not really good or bad when things will. Depending on the environment, the toxicity present, the deficiency of the nutrients, those so-called good can pleow more or change form into this more supposedly pathogenic or bad bacteria which creates more problems. But it's not a result of this swallowing this bad bacteria all of a sudden. It's the change we talk about it in the list mesoas, the terrain, the environment, epigenetics, all these things that cause the environment to change, which then the body will respond to it, because the body is inherently intelligent and we're going to spend the rest of eternity trying to understand the complexity of the human body, but it's just a different way of really thinking and getting back to the true science, the true biology that we've known for many, many years.

Dr. Cowan:

One of the fundamental concepts of that that you mentioned is what's called pleomorphism, which is basically the reality of organisms can change their form. Now that is again a scientifically heretical statement. They would claim that that doesn't happen. They would say you mean to say elephants become monkeys? Right, tom, that's what you think. As far as I know, that doesn't happen. But I do happen to know that caterpillars become butterflies and tadpoles become frogs, and it was seen.

Dr. Cowan:

For as soon as they invented a microscope they saw that these allegedly individual species of bacteria there's rod shaped and coxswire circular shape. They are considered individual species and fungus is even a different kingdom. The reality is they change one into another, like butterflies or caterpillars morphing into butterflies. I mean, if a caterpillar can do it, a single cell organism certainly could do it, and so they're not coming from the outside infecting you. They are always there, of course, these primordial somatids. They were called or zymogens, or different people gave them different names and then if you have a certain kind of environment, they grow, and if you have a different kind of environment, a different form grows and you can't kill them. You can only change the environment and then you'll get a different kind. But typically if you do that without really understanding the reason why the bacteria started growing there in the first place, it's always the same there's the revitalized toxic tissue. That's the only reason there is. So if you restore the tissue to health, then the bacteria go back into their primordial forms and everybody's good. They're helping you out. And it's really a bad strategy if you want to use that word to attack your best friends Like that. Typically in life doesn't get you very far Right, like if you're the people who are on your side. If you're continually trying to undermine them and abuse them and kill them, you end up with a nasty life. That's what modern medicine is doing. They're killing the even there's really good, interesting information the bacteria. They actually make the proteins. It's not this thing called genetics and I don't know if we want to get into that, but just to mention, whenever you see some sort of genetically modified organism, it isn't the organism that's genetically modified, it's that they have bacteria in them that are making like E coli that they're putting in to make the protein. It's not the organism that's making this new protein, it's the bacteria. The bacteria make the proteins.

Dr. Cowan:

And if you go back to the Jell-O model, what is Jell-O. What is a Jell? It's proteins, that and water mixed together and then the proteins are folded up, usually in the beginning. That's the packet of Jell-O. You heat it. It unfolds the proteins, allows it to interact with water. When it cools it forms a gel. That's what happens in us. We have a protein cytoskeleton and, interestingly, this chemical called ATP, which is very popular these days, has nothing to do with energy. It binds to the proteins, unfolds them, like the heat in Jell-O, allows the water to interact, so it can form a gel. So if you're getting rid of the proteins because you're getting rid of the bacteria, you're going to have a tough road and that's exactly what the research shows. The more antibiotics, the more chronic disease, the more cancer people get.

Dr. Carver :

So let's talk a little bit more about okay, we know we need this great gel-like water. How do we, if we're just drinking people say, oh, drink half your body weight in ounces of water. Well, if that's not exactly the gel-like water, how do we transform water we drink, and do we even transform the water we drink into this gel-like substance? How do we create that healthy gel in our body?

Dr. Cowan:

So there's a couple of answers to that. But first of all, most of the water that we have in our bodies comes like what I would call de novo, meaning a new, from our metabolism. I mean, if you just look at the base, you know, like so-called PREB cycle, biochemistry cycle, you have glucose and you make ATP and water right, so that's sort of what you'd call primary water. That water is made anew in your body and one could argue that's the best water. It's that which you make through the metabolism of food. It's interesting, it's the side light. But we also have primary water in the earth, which is a whole other subject that we probably don't want to get into too much. But we're told that all the water on the earth goes through the hydrological cycle. It rains and then into the rivers and lakes and goes back up. But the reality is there are new water is being created all the time under the soil, under the earth crust, and that comes up of its own, through the earth, under its own pressure, and that's called primary water and it's the healthiest, cleanest water there is. And you can tell that because it's coming up out of the ground on its own accord, not being pumped like some, from a well. Wells are typically underground rivers. That's not primary water, anyways. So you get this combination of primary water made in our bodies from the metabolizing food or primary water or the closest you can get to primary water from the outside that you drink. And so this puts into question do you need to drink 20 glasses a day, or even six? You probably don't need to drink any, because dehydration is not the amount of water, it's the quality of the structure, and there's a whole lot you can say about that. But the problem, if you say, it's the quantity, so I'm going to drink 10 more glasses of water. The circulation, which again something we've tried out of time to get into is a function of this structure. And just like, if you have a weak pump in your house, right, and you add twice as much water, it makes it harder to pump and then the water falls down from its weight, and so you get somebody with like heart failure, which is not heart failure, circulation movement failure and you put 10 glasses of water in. Now you get a demer in your legs, right, because the movement of the water is weak. So it's not about the quantity of water, it's about the structuring of the water.

Dr. Cowan:

So that comes from pure water mixed with minerals, ionized water or unionized water, distilled water doesn't structure. You have to have minerals like sodium and potassium and calcium and phosphorus and zinc and all the elements, all the minerals that are in the sea. You have to have all of them. And then you have to have proteins, just like in a jello. If you got no proteins, you'll never make jello.

Dr. Cowan:

And the proteins are again, that's a big question, but probably made by the bacteria, and there's certain ones that are the skeleton of the tissues. And every tissue liver has certain proteins and certain minerals. The spleen has different minerals, different proteins, different pigments, so that's why it looks different and has a different shape. And then importantly we know this from Pollock's experiment the catalyst for forming this protein, minerals, pure water. So those are the ingredients to make the cake. But now they're just sitting there like water, bulk water, minerals, proteins and they're just sitting there like cake dough when you put in light, particularly certain forms of light like UV light, and that gives the energy to make the cake out of this water, the cake here being the gel out of the water and, even better, the combination of the positive pole of the light interacting with the negative pole of the earth. So, standing on the earth in bare feet in the sunlight, that organizes the water, the minerals and the proteins into a gel.

Dr. Cowan:

And anybody who doesn't believe that, see how you feel walking barefoot on the beach, it will feel better Almost everybody. That's why, throughout history, humans have wanted to go to the beach in the summer and no matter what the dermatologists tell you to stay out of the sun, they won't do it. They want to walk barefoot on. Interestingly, on the ocean is the best right. Why? Because the ocean is where all these minerals, ions are that you absorb through your feet and they help structure your water. They create that sort of polarity with the sun and the earth and that structures your water and you feel a lot better. You feel more energy, you sleep better, everything your heart feels better, you know, you fall in love, everything, everything feels better and you'd never get out in the sun because sun's gonna kill you, you get skin cancer and you shouldn't be on the earth because, god knows, there's parasites there.

Dr. Carver :

So then, if you're sick, and that's such a problem in modern lifestyle.

Dr. Cowan:

today we're inside all the time.

Dr. Carver :

We're not getting that. We've talked a little bit on the show before about, oh, the red lights my husband and I, and it's been so rainy this summer that every single morning my husband and I spend 20 minutes in front of our red light and, ideally, natural sunlight. You're gonna get all the spectrum, so that's the best. But even on those rainy days I want some of that light and I think people don't really appreciate how much light really catalyzes a lot of these reactions in our body. So in my practice I use a lot of light therapy. Any kind of surgery I'm doing, muscle pain, whatever. Those little photons, those little particles of light really it's how a lot of our tissues will communicate with each other. So when we spend all day in a dark, a windowless room in our office and they're wearing honor shoes all time, it's a real problem.

Dr. Cowan:

I mean anybody who wants a simple, inexpensive, I would almost say 100% guaranteed to improve your life and, by the way, that's different than curing your disease, like forget about diseases, no matter what you have, this will make you better which is to find a source of primary water, which is water that comes out of the earth of its own accord.

Dr. Cowan:

There's springs everywhere. There's almost sure somewhere a half an hour where you live, except maybe in the cities, that you can find primary water. Get primary water, get something called plasma sea water I mean we sell that. That's like keenton seawater, which is vortex seawater, and so that, basically, is the water that you drink. And then every morning, go out for 15 minutes as close to sunrise as possible, with no glasses and bare feet, and do something kind of either just stand there and breathe or do crawling or stand on one foot there's various ways, or jumping jacks or run or push ups or something, so that you're out 10, 15 minutes every morning, and then do another five to 10 minutes in the evening and, if you can, five minutes at noon, and I can guarantee your health will improve Just that.

Dr. Carver :

Yep, yep, the light is so, so, absolutely crucial. What about? Also, interestingly, we just purchased a bunch of property across the way and there are natural springs all over that mountain and I've just tested the water because I know even spring water can have all sorts of plastics only in our crazy world so toxic. But if that comes back pretty clean, I'm really interested in bottling that up and selling and drinking that, because it's amazing, it's coming right out of the earth.

Dr. Cowan:

I mean the question is, is it really primary water?

Dr. Cowan:

And the only way to sort that out is so again, there's water that comes from the earth that has never been part of what's called the hydrological cycle, that's water that goes into the air and then falls down as rain and then into the lakes and into the ponds, and the way to tell that is to measure something called tritium, which is an isotope of hydrogen, and, because of explosions and testing in the atmosphere, all of the water in the hydrological cycle has some tritium, instead of hydrogen, as making up the water.

Dr. Cowan:

Because tritium is a, you can form T2O, which is, or D2O, which is another isotope, whereas primary water will not have tritium in it because it's never been part of the air. So, and labs can do that test, and if you have no tritium in the water, that water has never been part of a pond or in the air, because if it was, it would pick that up and it would form some of the water would not be H2O, it would be T2O or THO, and so that's the ultimate way to tell, but most of the springs that are coming up of their own accord, that's probably primary water.

Dr. Carver :

And what else other thing that I learned from you was the amyloemmo wand. Is that how you?

Dr. Cowan:

say that. I mean, that's a friend of mine who, oh, there's ways of doing science and there's ways of not doing, or there's ways of doing science that are basically bogus. And the way to do bogus science is to say okay, I wanna see what the effect of such and such is Right. So I pick something and I put the organism that I'm looking at into a highly unnatural environment like a cage, and then I feed it very unusual food and then I kill the animal at a certain point and look under a microscope or do analysis of the chemicals in their blood. And there's so many confounding and conflicting factors in that experiment that I would say at this point I've concluded that there's nothing to learn from those experiments. It's simply torturing animals. Now here's another way to do it.

Dr. Cowan:

All living organisms, everything from a seed to a beaver, to a frog, to a tomato plant or a tomato, emits light. Now we know that the more light and the more diverse the wavelengths, the more robust, the healthier that organism is, and you can tell that. You can take something simple like a corn seed that's open, pollinated heirloom cord and it'll have a certain intensity of the light and a certain spectrum. And then you take a so-called GMO which again is not really genetically modified, it's just inbred and distorted. It will have much lower frequency of light and, importantly, the diversity of the wavelengths will be very narrow. So you're essentially monocropping, which is always a problem. So we want to eat things and be as diverse and not intense, but have most vitality as possible. So you can take a tomato seed, two of them, and take this wand which has this highly structured water and structure all the water, and then one tomato seed. You can water with the wand water and the other with everything the same, except just regular wand. Now, without killing anything or without measuring stuff from it. You just measure the light emittance from the tomato that's created by this seed, grows into tomato plant, makes tomatoes, and you will see that the tomato from the anilema, this water wand, is more light, more diverse, and they've done that with many different plants and different animals. And then you correlate that with the mineral content and the nutrient content and just your visual inspection of the plant, like this one's six feet tall, this one's two feet tall, all these things are the same. So you get confidence that this measurement of the spectrum of light, the intensity in the spectrum, that is a valid, non-invasive, non-harmful way of evaluating the quality of living things. You do that with your cat and, again, it's not killing the cat, not poisoning the cat, not even doing blood tests from the cat, just measuring how much light is coming out. You know how much and what the diversity is, and the healthier you are, the more light and the more diverse. That shouldn't surprise anybody. You can demonstrate that. But that, to me, is real science, because anytime you're taking blood tests and doing all these other invasive measurements, you introduce variables in which make it complicated and without doing really rigorous controls, you end up with a mess. So I think this is the way, that I hope, anyways, that I think science is going to go Actual, qualitative measurements.

Dr. Cowan:

Because I'll say one more thing about this. We have been bamboozled into thinking we are quantitative organisms, like it depends on how much vitamin A you have or how much you know, as you said, secretory IgA. But I would contend that we are not quantitative organisms at all. We are qualitative organisms. And if you don't believe me, I would ask anybody if I'm doing this in person. Raise your hand if you chose your husband or wife based on how many sulfur atoms they had in their body, or how much of secretory IgA or proteins, or this bacteria in their gut, or how much cadmium in their hair analysis.

Dr. Cowan:

These are quantitative measurements of other human beings, which nobody. That's not how we do it. We have some sense of the quality of this person, or this chair, or this tomato. Right, you eat tomatoes because they have a quality that you enjoy, right? It tastes good, it smells good, feels good, looks good. What do you mean by good? It's just, we are quality sensors and yet we've removed quality from science, right? How many times do you hear the quality of this medicine? It's very good quality. No, it's not. It's just 10 grams of cycloroquine. For God's sake, it's got no quality to it at all.

Dr. Carver :

I love it. I've turned a lot toward with my little system called NesHealth, which is it helps to. It's supposedly measuring the photons right in that are coming out of the body and sometimes I have a tooth or something and I just there's no obvious clinical reason why the person is having. So I'm looking, so I use this system to look at the energetics right, what? Where is the energy not flowing on? Because it, like you said, it's not. We are 99.99999% energy and only a very small fragment, our body, is energy. It's just condensed so it seems physical and matter, but we're really energetic.

Dr. Carver :

So different frequencies in the body, right, and so, just like you were talking about with the, with the plants, right, I know one year I went and bought all organic seedlings and they. That was the best garden we ever had. I mean, the plants were just amazing. The next year that farm, those, those seedlings weren't available. So we went and got the fluorescent blue seeds, which I was a little. I didn't buy them, but I was a little bit disturbed seeing them like I don't really want to eat that and tons of pests and all these kinds of kinds of things, because they'd been treated and they were not not as healthy and definitely not as vibrant, right, and so I think it's important to hear what Dr Kown said about the, the, the light and the GMOs. Right, it's, it's that GMOs they're less vibrant, they're less nutritious, so that that is a big, big problem, not just that they have that they're genetically modified but they're not as healthy. You know that's and that's a big problem in food today.

Dr. Cowan:

Yeah, yes.

Dr. Carver :

So your body. You could be eating all the strawberries you want, but they're not giving you the same nutrition. So people often balk about spending more on organic. But you get the bang for your buck. You really need to think about what. What do you want to put in that body? You need to put the most nutritious food in. So maybe the conventional strawberries costs a dollar less, but you're getting a fraction of the nutrition. So it's it's important to understand that we had great strawberry crop this year. I couldn't, couldn't, believe we had started with one organic plant that I had five years ago, and now we have three 16 foot rows and they're just first year.

Dr. Carver :

Animals didn't get them before we did so you know, I had a good crop, maybe all the rain, I don't know. Well, as we're wrapping up here, is there anything else you want to leave the honest with them? And we could talk on and on about a lot of things. Dr Cowan has several books. I definitely want you to look at his website, drtomcowan. com, and there there's a lot of really good, interesting stuff. He kind of calls his new curriculum the new biology, but really it's looking at the old biology and everything that he talks about is based on fact and reason.

Dr. Carver :

On your website, say, careful observation and adherence to the real methods and tenants of scientific theory which in modern medicine dentistry we've kind of gotten away from. So you can really learn a lot from him. He's really fascinating. He has his own podcast, so definitely check out the website. He has a shop so you can look at. He has another website called Dr Tom's Garden. So, as we were just talking about nutrition, he has a lot of vegetable powders which you know sometimes you can't get your kids to eat good stuff. It's a powder, you can put it into anything, so so please check that out and anything else you want to leave us with.

Dr. Cowan:

Yeah, just that it's. It's really great, Rachel, what you're doing, because the dentistry component of this is very underappreciated. It is not good to have a nasty mouth. I mean, I happen to come from my grandfather and father were dentists and I didn't want anything to do with it and I don't know that much about dentistry really, because I hated the whole stuff. But somebody has to take this on, because so many problems are related to what is happening in our mouth and that regular dentistry is just they, they, they need help.

Dr. Cowan:

Yeah, so yeah, it's great that you're doing this and I hope you spread your message as far as you can, and I just appreciate what you're doing there.

Dr. Carver :

Thank you for helping me do it. I appreciate you, as always, and thank you so much.

Dr. Cowan:

Okay, good to talk to you again.

Dr. Carver :

All right, everyone. See you next time on the next episode.